Raspberry Leaf Tea

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Had my first cup today (am going to slowly build up to 5 cups a day) and it was LOVELY!

has anyone else got on this yet? xx
sorry just being nosey and crept in the tri 3 forum :-S just wondered does this help something with pregnancy or just taste nice lol? just curious thats all! :-D xx
I drank lots of it with my first and loved it too, but I thought that I had read somewhere that you shouldn't start drinking it until after 37wks? I maybe wrong though!.x
sorry just being nosey and crept in the tri 3 forum :-S just wondered does this help something with pregnancy or just taste nice lol? just curious thats all! :-D xx

its supposed to strengthen the uterus and make labour easier, its also rich in iron and anti-oxidants and is therefore generally very good for pregnant ladies :)

most people i know who have tried it have said it was fantastic :)
wowwee! anything that helps with labour HAS to be a winner! ive never heard of this! just goes to show how these forums help!
I drank lots of it with my first and loved it too, but I thought that I had read somewhere that you shouldn't start drinking it until after 37wks? I maybe wrong though!.x

I read that you are supposed to start at 30weeks with one cup a day, move up at 31 weeks to two cups a day, and then increase weekly until you are on 5 cups a day and stick to that until the bean arrives :)
hey im 36 weeks and i drink 2cups a day. its sooo good
I used this in my first pregnancy, it is lovely! Good for toning the uterus :)
Oh i didn't realise that, i think i will give it a go - how many cups a day should I be drinking? Probably a blonde question but it can't bring on labour can it?
i would start drinking one cup a day as soon as you can and slowly increase every week until you hit 5 cups and then remain at that

i had mine with a bit of honey it was LOVELY :)
i really want to try this but my midwives have scared me as whenever i asked them they were like 'don't drink it before 37 weeks we don't want you going into an early labour' all stern-like :(

do you think it'd be safe for me now? i'm 36 weeks on wednesday.

honey sounds lovely with rasberry!! how many cups should i start with?? (blonde at heart aswell hehe :oops:) xx
it wont bring labour on. just start with one cup per day and up it by one cup each week. id recomend putin sugar or honey in to sweeten it abit. i started this at 35weeks on one cup and now at 36weeks, im on 2cups.
i asked my mw when it was best to start this and she told me 36weeks but i started it before. as i really doubt itll do any harm. as if this brought on labour every woman would be drinking it near there due date to get the baby out. theres no way u can really get labour started, baby will come when its ready. its up2 personal choice when to start takin it no1 can say start taking it now. its up2 u if u wanna start drinking it then go ahead. but i say if your worried bout it started labour then probs dont take it as your worried. personal choice. ive gone on here abit so thats enuf from me. xx
i'm not worried myself that it will bring on early labour as when i read up on it all it has said that helps soften your cervix and make labour easier rather then it coming early! but that's what my midwife told me so it worried me a bit because i'm a first time mum! so i don't know whats best for me etc. but i'm sure tea wont do me any harm! thanks gonnabemum! does anyone know where to get it from? xx
health food shops - google ;) Holland and Barrett i imagine (though they are owned by McDonalds so if there is a local independant healthfood shop around do use that one ;) )

if you really hate the tea (though i love it with just a bit of honey) they do tablets as well ;)
Ill get some in for 30 weeks - thanks for the tip x
i got mine from holland and barrett 1 29 for twenty tea bags i dont like the taste so only half fill the cup makes it stronger so i just add a little bit of sugar to it x
ive been drinking it for just over 2 weeks now and built up to 6 cups, which i was told you can drink that much in last 2 weeks. a few folk had mentioned to me about not drinkin it before 37wks as it could start labour but it definately doesnt seem to be the case for me anyway. still like the tea though, although recently its started making my heartburn A LOT worse :(
have you been having it with lots of sugar Claire? i would really reccomend putting honey in instead, its much much nicer on our stomach acid and you will probably find it relieves it a bit
Acacia Honey is the only natural sugar that can be FULLY digested in our bodies, most fruits and stuff can be mostly digested but acacia honey is really a gem
maybe give that a go? xxx
no i havent tried it with sugar or honey yet. i actually like the taste of the tea as it is, im not a huge fan of sweet things but i'll give it a go though cause heartburn is awful.

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