Raspberry Leaf Tea

well, i am at the end of my second week of RLT today, upping the dosage to 3 cups

definatly has lots of iron in it, which i am having a bit of trouble with as constipation is such a pain :( Still i think its good because i have a blood test on Monday which will test my iron levels so i know that all is fine there which is good!

I have noticed something else extra good about the rasberry leaf... it seems to be doing wonderful things re - needing to wee all the time, it seems to be toning my urethra as well as my uterus which is fantastic

instead of getting up every hour or so for a wee and subsequently a drink in the night, i am finding i am sleeping 6 or so hours before having a big wee :) its given my bladder a whole new lease of life

which i am uber happy about, it has basically reduced the amount of times i need to wee by about half though i still wee the same and drink LOADS

anyone in the third tri who is struggling with the mild incontinence thing, i would definatly reccomend it, i havent 'leaked' nearly as much this week!
i have only just learnt how to spell Raspberry :S
i have been spelling it rasberry for ever and wondering why it looks wrong... silly Fi!
lol - think i'll be trying it soon just to releive my bladder
I still keep forgetting to drink the tea! :-/ maybe need to get the tablets instead
38 weeks and started my first cup today! a bit late but haven't been able to get round to holland and barratt much! i'm excited :D lol xxx btw 'cause i've started late when do you recommend i go up to 2 cups? after a week or maybe less?
Wow Ria not long to go now then honey, not sure about how many cups to drink as I haven't tried it myself now, I too need to get round to going to holland and barratts! I do like the idea of not needing to get up as much for a wee, I wake every hour for one thing or another and am getting fed up now, so this is def worth a go for me x
i slept for six hours last night before getting up for a wee :) :)
God bless the cloud cover AND the raspberry leaf!
not long for you either katie, 5 weeks :O ooo does it stop weeing as much? that's good! i get up same time every morning to go for a wee.. like 3/4 or 5am. so annoying! well a box of 50 tea bags was 2.99, not bad eh? couldn't find tablets in our holland and barratt though.. xxx
lol @ once an hour!! i'm glad you found a solution! xxx
Nope not long left, so exciting and scary all at the same time! Right I must get some of this at the weekend because I seem to wake up about every hour too, I will update on my results :)
well lastnight i didn't wake up for a wee, wehey! hope it works for you katie.. and i know exciting but scary!!i'm hoping i'll like the labour pain lmao xx
i am quite looking forward to giving birth - it really is an amazing thing... i wonder if i will look back on this post and think i am mad!

i also managed to go six hours last night without getting up for a wee :) very happy with the raspberry leaf so far!
rotfl - like labour pain, thats optimistic hun :rotfl:

:rofl: you never know!! ;)

yeah i'm looking forward to it.. but not aswell!! it's funny how you can have 2 such strong feelings that contradict themselves!

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