Raspberry leaf tea


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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I got told by a midwife that raspberry leaf tea strengthens your cervix and doesn't actually help bring on labour?

She said you drink 1 cup a day in Tri1, 2 cups a day in tri2 and 3 cups a day in tri3! So I am not sure whether to start taking it now or not?

She also showed us a pressure point in the ankle that apparently helps expel the baby!
Oh? Not heard that before. I thought you weren't allowed to start having it until you're nearly due x x
Yep that's what I thought too. And have even seen some packets saying not to be drank before 38 weeks?
It's generally avoided in tri 1 and 2 because of the risk of miscarriage (anything that affects your uterus/cervix should be avoided in general I think). It's normally recommended to be safe to start drinking between 32 and 34 weeks.

Yes it absolutely does not induce labour! It just prepares the uterus and softens the cervix apparently. Start off with one cup a day as you said, and you can increase it every week til you're due. You can even drink it during labour and after birth to help the uterus contract back down to size.

I think it's a matter of taste, I find it really yummy and refreshing, but some people prefer to take the capsules, but each dose is different so follow instructions on the packet xx
Just been on my pregnancy app, and this was the thing for today..

It's safe for most women to drink during pregnancy, and is thought to tone the muscles of the uterus to help it work better during labour. It doesn't speed it up but helps it to progress at a nice steady pace (or so the idea is!). It takes a while to build up in your body which is why it's popular in the final weeks of pregnancy.

You shouldn't take it if:

-you've already had a baby and your labour was very short (3 hours or less from start to finish)

-You're scheduled to have a planned c-section due to medical reasons

-you've had vaginal bleeding in the second half of pregnancy

-you've had a premature labour before

-you've had a caesarean before.

It's also wise not to drink if:

-you have a family/personal history of breast or ovarian cancer, endometriosis or fibroids

-you have complications or health problems in your pregnancy

-you have high blood pressure

-you are expecting twins

It works best if you start taking it from about 32 weeks pregnant as it gives it enough time to build up in your body. Start with one cup a day, increasing gradually to 3 cups. If you get strong BH after drinking the tea, cut the amount you drink. It should be drunk in moderation as the chemicals in the tea work their way through your body the same was a drug would. If you have already had a baby and the labour was smooth the first time round, there is no need to drink raspberry leaf tea for the next pregnancy.


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