Quick question!


Active Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Hi girls,

Just a quick question!

What's the furthest along any of you have got without actually throwing up during 'morning' sickness?

Just wondering when it most frequently starts and if it really is possible to get through the first trimester without barfing!

Would be interesting to see if that is just something they say in our much thumbed books or if it ever really happens!

Ooops! I guess that's two questions really then!

Am really hoping I don't suddenly start vomiting while staying at my in-laws next week!!:oooo:

I still have morning sickness but its not as bad as before, not as violent lol and only ever happens exactly then - in the morning. Some days I'm lucky and have none at all, usually if I've had a good sleep xxxx

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Thanks for replying Kra0! When did it really get going? :)
My first pregnancy was completely nausea and sickness free the whole pregnancy...this pregnancy is the complete opposite tho :/ xx
I haven't had any sickness whatsoever so far in my pregnancy, I did feel a little strange sometimes, not sicky or icky feeling just weak and shaky, like you havent eaten for a while but I had eaten!

That only last ed a couple days when I was about 7-8 weeks, nothing since! xx
My first pregnancy was completely nausea and sickness free the whole pregnancy...this pregnancy is the complete opposite tho :/ xx

Wow! You did well the first time round, didn't you!! :) Sorry to hear you're getting it now though. Have you found anything that helps?
6weeks and the odd yucky feeling but no puking.
First pregnancy I threw up a lot.
Second pregnancy I was only sick in the second tri with food poisoning xx

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I haven't had any sickness whatsoever so far in my pregnancy, I did feel a little strange sometimes, not sicky or icky feeling just weak and shaky, like you havent eaten for a while but I had eaten!

That only last ed a couple days when I was about 7-8 weeks, nothing since! xx

That's great to hear Sarah! I bet you're quite relieved, it sounds like you've got away with it! :)Quite reassuring to read your message, thank you! xx
Thats okay chicken, if you do feel nausious or however you spell it, they say to snack on or nibble ginger nut biscuits, ginger really helps nausea, and also eating little and often, dry foods! :D
6weeks and the odd yucky feeling but no puking.
First pregnancy I threw up a lot.
Second pregnancy I was only sick in the second tri with food poisoning xx

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Hi Simone, thanks for replying! Ooo nasty! Sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Poor you! Glad the puking is staying at bay this time round! Can you remember when the puking started in your first pregnancy, or was it just constant straight away?xx
Thats okay chicken, if you do feel nausious or however you spell it, they say to snack on or nibble ginger nut biscuits, ginger really helps nausea, and also eating little and often, dry foods! :D

Oooo! Good tip Sarah! Will take some ginger biccies with me in my suitcase!!xx:)
I've had sickness since around 4 weeks, starting for the last week though I have felt horrible morning noon and night, just constantly nauseous. Only thrown up twice though since becoming pregnant although I do feel like I'm heaving over the toilet quite a lot with no result :( Can't wait till it goes away!
I've had sickness since around 4 weeks, starting for the last week though I have felt horrible morning noon and night, just constantly nauseous. Only thrown up twice though since becoming pregnant although I do feel like I'm heaving over the toilet quite a lot with no result :( Can't wait till it goes away!

I'm so sorry to hear that Chloe. Poor you! That sounds rotten! Wow, since 4 weeks - you must be royaly p***ed off! Sounds like you've more than done your fair share of the nausea thing already! I wonder how soon it can end, or if it only truly ceases after 12 weeks. I hope it's sooner for your sake! xx
Weeks 6-10 were when it was at its worst! One day during week 7 I had it all day long for a few days but it slowly eased off. I found that eating beans on toast and drinking a pint of water as soon as I got out of bed really helped! Xxxx

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I started being sick at 7 weeks, and it was constant until 12 weeks.
It then eased a bit but was still pretty bad until 14 weeks.
Then it was once or twice a week until I was 16 weeks. And I still get the occasional morning sickness now x

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as i hit week 6 til week going on 13 i was sick sick sick lol .. i stil have off spells but nothing major x
9 weeks so far.
The nausea is terrible and I have been very close! But so far its very bad morning, noon and night nausea. x
Weeks 6-10 were when it was at its worst! One day during week 7 I had it all day long for a few days but it slowly eased off. I found that eating beans on toast and drinking a pint of water as soon as I got out of bed really helped! Xxxx

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Hi Kra0! Wow! Sounds quite full on! Not sure if I could handle a whole day! I've been getting nauseous but fortunately the vomit hasn't arrived...yet! I have found that beans on toast is helping me too! I used to be a big tea drinker but am finding that tea tastes quite metallic these days so am avoiding it and have switched to water which my body seems to constantly crave! Thanks for sharing your experiences :)xxx
I started being sick at 7 weeks, and it was constant until 12 weeks.
It then eased a bit but was still pretty bad until 14 weeks.
Then it was once or twice a week until I was 16 weeks. And I still get the occasional morning sickness now x

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Thanks Jayjay! Sounds like the first trimester wasn't much fun! I bet you're so glad to be out of it now! So, about 9 weeks of sickness all in all! Cripes!! What did you find helped you get through it? xx
as i hit week 6 til week going on 13 i was sick sick sick lol .. i stil have off spells but nothing major x

Wow mrz85 that must have been so exhausting and also tricky to hide the fact you were pregnant before getting to the much awaited 12 week milestone! At least it seems to have abated after week 13 more or less! xx:)

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