Question about coffee.. Lol!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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This might be a strange question, but I have been discussing with my man how much coffee that is OK to drink a day.. I have a problem, I drink 5 cups coffee a day.. I have tried to stop but suffer from major headache when I do.. So now I want to find out wether its ok to have 2 black coffee a day or is it better to keep minium or stop drinking coffee all???

i drink a bit of coffee, try decaf coffee, its the caffiene they worry about x
I know, I don´t like decaff very much as Im really picky about my coffee, but I dont want to take any risk so if caffeine is harmful I will stop it ... x
i have 1-3 cups coffees a day, i dont think its a big worry. I used to drink about 6 cups a day tho.
i hear you about the decaff, its nothing like propa coffee!
Apparently you can have two cups of coffee or tea or 5 cans of coke, I drink decaff tea and coffee can't tell the difference
I used to drink 3 or 4 coffees and 3 cans of Pepsi a day, but have cut down to 1 coffee 1st thing in the morning and have swapped my Pepsi Max for Diet Lilt x
Try switching to decaff, you might not like it but after a week your headaches will go and you will soon get used to the decaff coffee, you can even get decaff to go in the cafeitiere - worth a try
never had a problem with this really don't like coffee or tea so only thing i have to watch ois chocolate as i like this and that has caffine in it too :( plus been craving fizzy drinks which i quit drinking years ago madness....
The advice in the NHS "The Pregnancy Book" that the midwife gave me on booking in says no more than 200mg of caffine a day which is basically:
2 cups of coffee OR 3 cups of tea
I know everybody says not too much caffine but why? i know I might sound abit daft lol but I have never really knew why we have to stop drinking it? I only did it 1st tri cos it made me feel sick but since then I think i drink about 10 cups a day more tea then coffee.
I'm a big Tea drinker! Usually have at least 10 cups of tea a day (with 4 sugars in each cup).
However i haven't been able to stomach Tea lately and read on a thread on here about how switching to decaf could possible help with the all day sickness.

So today went and bought some decaf tea bags (stores own in case they were rank) and they were lovely.
I have this evening since buying them enjoyed 3 cups of tea- whereas the past week or so i've only managed half a cup of caffeine tea.
I went totally off coffee for nearly 3 months it just made me feel sick. I now limit myself to 1 mug a day but i think part of the recommendation is to do with constipation as you are more likely to be bunged up during pregnancy and the caffiene doesn't help either.

I don't drink a lot of coffee but find I get a major headache if I don't have any aswel.I find that just 1 cup in a mornin is enough to keep the headaches away xx
I had coffe yesterday.. it tasted SOAP... I dont feel like drinking coffee anymore..
I used to drink coffee in abundance at work! (Worked for Nestlé/Nescafé) I used to add an extra shot of espresso to every cup and go through 5-6 a day, easily!

I went right off coffee in the first Tri and now i'm back to drinking it although i'll only have 2 cups a day now.

With regards to decaff coffee - when manufacturers (well, Nescafé at least) decaffienate coffee, they soak the coffee beans in water which removes the caffiene naturally. There should be NO difference in the taste of it (and there isn't). I mean, they could hardly call Gold Blend Decaff, Gold Blend if it tasted nothing like the caffienated version... x

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