progesterone Cream


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Just ordered some wellsprings progesterone cream off the internet, have any ladies tried this and know how much and where to use it? And has anyone had positive results from it?


this is gonna sound thick but what is it and what do u do with it?
I'm curious as well to see what is its purpose.....
Progesterone is one of the female hormones and it is produced in abundance during early pregnancy.

Most of us should actually produce enough of this to get pregnant / stay pregnant naturally?? However it may be that some women are slightly deficient in it?

I really wouldn't adovocate using this without being told you need to by a Dr who has performed blood tests?

I am sure it causes no harm what so ever and I think the consensus is 'the more progesterone the better' BUT if you are not lacking in it your shouldn't need more??? (if that makes sense)

I hope you get your BFP soon Amy, but give yourself a little bit of time after all you have been through this year sweetie!

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I have low progesterone levels so was researching how to raise them when I came across it, apparently you just rub it into your skin, it can't cause any harm and also helps with pms symptoms so I'm going to give it a go xx
okie dokie best of luck hope it helps you xxx
I have low progesterone levels so was researching how to raise them when I came across it, apparently you just rub it into your skin, it can't cause any harm and also helps with pms symptoms so I'm going to give it a go xx

Hope it helps hun!!

I assume your Dr has diagnosed your low progesterone? If so then I would have asked Dr to prescribe something (would have been cheaper as well :lol:)

I was tested while ttc last year and it came back very low, I'm seeing him in 2 weeks to see if he will prescribe me anything, just trying to see if I can raise them slightly myself with the cream and have been having soya xx
I was tested while ttc last year and it came back very low, I'm seeing him in 2 weeks to see if he will prescribe me anything, just trying to see if I can raise them slightly myself with the cream and have been having soya xx

Sorry sweetie,

I know it sounds like I am pooh-poohing what you say and I don't mean it to come across like that.

I'd def speak to the Dr and see what they say?

I hope that the progesterone works for you and you get your super sticky bean soon

I started using progesterone cream after I ovulated and after 15 months of trying we have done it. So it worked first cycle for us.

If you use it before you ovulate you can prevent ovulation from occurring though,so you need to track ovulation if you decide to use it.

I had exceptionally high oestrogen levels on blood tests and despite recovering a normal level my progesterone never sorted itself out.

I found the cream to be excellent for removing the mid cycle irritability I suffer, so I could tell instantly that I needed it.

Soya is the worst thing to have, it increases oestrogen in your system and makes your progesterone ratio even poorer.
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Ooo thanks for the info, ill stop the soya (I'm glad because I really don't like it). I've just started doing my opks again but no positive as yet. Hopefully I will get to use the cream next cycle :)
you cna onyl get it on a prescription in the UK, and even with that mnay NHS are reluctant to prescribe it. You may be better off with clmid whih will improve ovulation whihc will threfore increase preg levels. Was yur prog test done on the correct day - ie day21 is only correct if you ovulate on day 14.
My progesterone was level 4 I can't remember what day is was done as it was awhile ago but I remember doctor saying it should be around the 30 mark. I got the cream off a uk website can also be bought off amazon.


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