Princess81 back in hospital again! Short update pg 10

Ohhh how frustrating for you hun, hope you are doing ok xxx
Crikey hunny you really are having fun and games with this LO!!!

Rest lots and take care :hug:

Oh how lame I was expecting the news of a new arrival this morning hope It's changes and baby decides it really is time. Not fair you having to keep going through this xxx
Oh no...what a naughty LO she has! Poor thing :( hope you're ok x
So sorry LO is giving you a hard time hunny, massive :hugs:
Stay as active as you can and hopefully things will stat to kick off again for you x x
Yep I'm home again :roll:
Saw another consultant today so don't have to go to my appointment tomorrow. He said that as the baby's head is so engaged now that umbilical prolapse etc is no longer a risk. So long as I reach 37 weeks I can decide how long I want to stay at home for during labour.
It is very frustrating but glad I'm home again. Just had a nice long shower and o/h has cooked lunch. Had a scan today, baby weighing in at 6lb12 and was holding his fists up to us!!! They asked o/h if he wanted to know the sex but he stuck to his guns ;)
Basically now baby is fully engaged and I'm stuck at 3cm dilated so it can happen anytime. Bloody awkward baby!!!! :wall: oh and I looked at the timing of my contractions - every 3 mins and then nothing :roll:
Oh hun! U must be so disappointed :( looks like Pea likes playing games with his mummy. Naughty boy!
Typical bloke, can't decide what he wants to do. Hope pea comes soon honey. Xxx
awww hun, how frustrating!!!!

not even born yet and already calling the shots :rofl:

hope your ok, was thinking of you all night. xxxxxxxxxx
LO just obviously wants to give you a run around, poor sole.
Thinking of you and little pea! Fingers crossed he'll start again soon x
At least u can stay at home longer now when pea finally stops messing u around !! Fx he won't u waiting much longer !! Big hugs Hun xxx

Thinking of you and baby and fingers crossed!!! x
Ah Jayne you must be so frustrated , are you having any pain at all ?

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