pregnant lady fined for using mother and baby space

i think they just need pregnancy spaces, but if they dont stop people who park there when they shouldnt (like people do) theres no point to any special spaces.
I'm sorry but I really do think she deserved the fine.

They are specifically labelled as "Mother and Child" spaces for a reason, because it's much more difficult to get a buggy and kid out and into the supermarket than yourself, even if you are 42 weeks pregnant (which I doubt as she has had time for them to issue the fine and then for the Daily Mail to take a photo and hasn't been induced yet hmmm)...

I wouldn't do it because it's a grey area and therefore she shouldn't either. If she's not well enough to get the shopping herself then she should have sent her mum or partner instead.

OR maybe she was trying to get the rumoured bottle of champagne for giving birth in a supermarket aisle?! :rotfl:
I'd fine her too. When I was heavily pregnant I discovered online shopping and haven't looked back :lol: . If she can drive to the shops, and walk round the shops, she can park in a normal space like everyone else (including me when I was over a week overdue!) It is difficult to get in and out of a car with a huge bump, but not half as difficult as it is to get a car seat out of a car with a baby in it. BTW I drive this;

And never feel any guilt at all if the door accidently catches the side aof some idiot who's parked too close to me. It's usually covered in mud, too, not snow.

Just looking at that picture - that's my mum getting into my car with 2 snapped bones in her leg and a full length leg cast on - she wasn't allowed to park in a disabled parking space even though she wore the cast for 3 months and was in a wheelchair the whole time as the cast was so heavy if she fell over she could have dislocated her hip.
lozzi said:
Lazy teenagers
White van drivers
old people who cant be arsed to read the sign, but whine if we went in disabled
Mothers with a 10 year old
People with flash cars who dont want scratches...

Was thinking just the same myself.
Well if a pregnant woman ISN'T a Mother AND a baby then what is she? Some kind of 2 hearted 4 legged, 4 eyed alien? The thing is, if whoever it was had actually seen her they wouldn't dare have questioned her. No one is stupid enough to take on an overdue mother....not if they don't expect to be mate a fool of!

I don't think she'll end up paying anyway, not now it's in the papers. There's no reason why Mother and Baby bays shouldn't be used by pregnant women especially those who suffer difficult pregnancies or are in the last trimester!

It's the lazy fat mums with their lazy fat 10 year olds who should be fined.
Kylie1007 said:
lozzi said:
Lazy teenagers
White van drivers
old people who cant be arsed to read the sign, but whine if we went in disabled
Mothers with a 10 year old
People with flash cars who dont want scratches...

Was thinking just the same myself.

I agree with this too, sod fining a pregnant woman fine the lazy sod's that park in mother and babys bays just because there near and they cant be arsed to walk far.

Mt biggest pet HATE and this make's my blood BOIL :evil: Is people with children who park in mother and baby bays in tesco and just the mother gets out leaving a) an older teen or B) dad to sit in the car with the kids!!! WTF is that all about if your not going to get out of the car with the kids park elsewhere and leave the space for someone who needs to get kids in and out the car.
Squiglet said:
mary70 said:
i am sorry and prob everyone will jump on me but yes i think it was right, i go mad when disabled park in them and i think if they start bending rules then its open season, problem is they are not policed enough alltogeather

I have to say though, with having a disabled brother and sister... it was more often than not, the mother's with babies who'd park in the disabled bays because there wasn't sufficient bays for them... which I think, personally, is a far worse crime than a disabled person parking in a mother and baby bay...

Our tesco's tell parents to park in the disabled if they want, although I never do.
I went for my birthday meal in the town centre not long ago and there was a disabled bay right outside the restaurant, it was about half 7 and my mates wanted me to park in it, but I wouldn't. Instead of that I drove another 10 minutes and parked 15 mins walk away LOL.
I'm really funny about it, I think it's almost like tempting fate, maybe one day I will NEED a disabled parking spot and some selfish twat will be parked in it.

Anyway, back on topic, I think heavily pregnant moms should be allowed to park in M&B, and I also think there should be an upper age limit to using them. If I had Mason in the car but not Brody I wouldn't use a mother and child spot cos I think we are perfectly capable of walking from further away.
yes, so they should!! :shakehead:

Sorry ladies but I had twins and still managed to get out of the car :angel:

1. Either get out before the driver parks in the space

2. If it's you driving and you're so big that you struggle, should you be driving anyway?

Pregnancy is a condition not an illness :wink:

I'm sorry but if I was struggling with a car seat with a baby in it and shopping etc I wouldn't smile knowingly at the pregnant woman who had just taken the last mother & child spot, I would be cursing!!! :rotfl:
and sorry but... if she was waiting to go into labour and struggling so much:

1. why drive?

2. doesn't it state that she managed to walk around the supermarket for 30 mins???

3. They don't usually have mother and baby parking when you go for your antenatal at gp's or health on earth does she cope then?

Sorry but I just don't think she needed it!! :shakehead:
KirlyKird I agree with you totally.

Supermarket car parks really aren't that big! I mean even if you have to park near car park entrance it's not that far to walk over.

If she was struggling that much with being pregnant then why go shopping on her own?

I think anyone but mother and 'baby' should be fined. I say baby cos I dont mean a 12 year old kid going shopping with mummy.

I say if kid is out of a pushchair and old enough to walk properly then they dont need space. The extra width is meant to be for getting pram etc out safely etc. :shakehead: :D
how can they tell by just looking at the car who is allowed to park in these spaces?

Once i give birth i plan on taking the car seat out the car and clipping it on the pushchair to go shopping.
i think i would have given her a warning first. as i can see why she did use them.

but its so frustrating when im looking for a baby spot and there taken by people without kids.
annem said:
how can they tell by just looking at the car who is allowed to park in these spaces?

Once i give birth i plan on taking the car seat out the car and clipping it on the pushchair to go shopping.

Tesco have parking permit things i think, but not many people use them

i too take the car seat out of the car.
yes i agree that she should have been fined i'm afraid.
if we allow heavily pregnant women to pak in them what stops 3/4/5 mth pregnant ladies parking there too?

how can 'HEAVILY' pregnant be defined? you would get people taking the piss at any stage of pregnancy & park there.
its a tough one though,
i assume the bigger spaces are to open the childs door widely enough to get the car seat out/ to get the child out & this still takes a lot more room than normal.

i still use M&B spaces for Louie (14 mths) and will do till hes 4 i reckon.
i hate seeing people abuse these spaces and like Urchin will never park in a Disabled space even if this means waliking a lot further with all the kids and in the rain :angel:
I dont think she should have parked there though a fine was a bit harsh.
I find getting the kids out of the car in a normal space a lot more difficult than getting out the car while pregnant.

But, where we stay the parent and baby spaces are the furthest away from the damn trolleys so I end up parking far away just to be near a trolley bay.

I never played on the fact I was pregnant, its not an illness, it true.
Urchin said:
I went for my birthday meal in the town centre not long ago and there was a disabled bay right outside the restaurant, it was about half 7 and my mates wanted me to park in it, but I wouldn't. Instead of that I drove another 10 minutes and parked 15 mins walk away LOL.

Ahem, not me :shakehead:

I wanted you to park illegally in a private car park :shhh:

I think the fine's a load of crap. Not that she shouldn't walk, pregnancy IS a condition not an illness as they say, but because there were a few occasions when I was 35 week+ where I couldn't have got out of the car if people were parked close. It's not as if she's been eating lots of pies, she's PREGNANT FFS!

No-one should be fined for using M+B anyway IMO. They're courtesy spaces provided by the supermarket and not protected by law, it was just some greedy carpark contracter after cash. :evil:
Minxy said:
Urchin said:
I went for my birthday meal in the town centre not long ago and there was a disabled bay right outside the restaurant, it was about half 7 and my mates wanted me to park in it, but I wouldn't. Instead of that I drove another 10 minutes and parked 15 mins walk away LOL.

there were a few occasions when I was 35 week+ where I couldn't have got out of the car if people were parked close. It's not as if she's been eating lots of pies, she's PREGNANT FFS!

How do you know she wasnt eating lots of pies as well. :shakehead:
She looked very skinny around that bump (cow :twisted: )
I would have fined her!! I never used them when I was pregnant as the sign says "parent and baby parking" not "heavily pregnant parking" :shakehead:

It actually makes me mad when I see people park in the spaces when they shouldnt.
Like when the dads go to Asda to pick up a pint of milk and just because they have the baby seat in the car with no baby in it, they use them! Lazy poops!

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