Pregnant fiancé Ended it & I need help I don't get it


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Jun 3, 2012
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Ok please hold with me and I will try to get as much in as possible in as short as possible.

We met properley around 18 months ago when I split from my ex. I have a 2 & 1/2 yr old boy who was only 15 months at the time.*
We hit it off and there were instant sparks, there is an age gap but it was never noticeable to us, me 32 her 20 I was good friends with her parents for months before but had never met her.*

Things were amazing but we ended up moving in as she had to get out of her apartment and it seemed logical as she was round all day everyday anyway, she adored my son and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life.

My ex started to cause problems locally and stress mounted up, we stopped going out and cut ourselves off from everyone as anything we did was twisted and thrown at us in court. It has been a horrendous year fighting for the little one who through no encouragement started calling her mummy and her parents grandma and grandad and her bro and sis aunt and uncle etc etc.

We had been together about 6 months when she said I was the only one for her and she wanted the three of us to be family and even add to it and get engaged, I was happy but apprehensive at the same time, she had her coil removed and we started trying for a baby. I knew/know she is the only one for me and was thrilled at the thought of us being a family and spending my life with her.

*We moved out of the way 6 months in to try stop some of the troubles, this caused more problems as we both ended up isolated and unhappy we split and got back together a hand ful of times, at one point in temper she said she only stayed because of the court battle and my son but when we made up said she was just angry and wanted to hurt me. I am no saint and also said things I should not of.

Just before the last court case (few months ago) we had split bust she came back few days before, I asked if she was sure it was what she wanted and that she should say because i wanted to give the court a true picture of what was going on regarding living circumstances for my little one to stop it from being dragged back there. I told her it would not matter one way or another but She needed to be sure, she said that it definitely was but we agreed to move back closer to her parents and we were going to take a step back, she would live with them and spend some days and some nights with us and do the bit of the relationship that we ended missing due to circumstances. Unfortunately court did not go our way and we also lost our rented property due to things, we moved in with her parents temporarily about 6 weeks ago until we could find out what was happening with my son etc ( if his mum would move away or stay in the area).*

She is *very close to her mum and dad and she struggles being away from them (part of the problem when we had moved away).

Four weeks ago we found out she was pregnant, she told me she was happy and exited about it we told our parents and things seemed to be looking up. I proposed to her in a local restaurant on our one year anniversary 3-4 weeks ago. I did not get the words out and she screamed yes yes yes and was crying and jumping up and down, I felt so happy things felt like a fairy tale.

The following week her parents were away for 3-4 days but not to far and we had had a silly row but with nothing really been said on the night time, the next day we were meant to be going out, she got up and came downstairs and things seemed ok at first but then she snapped at me for something and said what time you going to the shops ( the idea was to get some bits for her) and few bits we both wanted. I said I was not going to ( felt really deflated about our row and seemed pointless seems we would have to go another day to get her stuff anyway) Next minute she exploded saying I had to get out the house and not come back until the night time she wanted some space I said I would go but wanted to know what was up first as it seemed like something was bothering her this made things worse so I just went out, I came back on the night and things were a bit funny at first but then seemed to go ok, we went to bed and things seemed ok again.*

I had some money come in few days later and she said she wanted to get a caravan near her mum and dads as we were not going on the holiday we had planned the money for because she was pregnant. I thought this was a good idea as we loved it down there last year. So that's what we did, we bought it set it up and things seemed perfect again.*

Her mum and dad left for Spain about 10 days ago, we headed down to the caravan after a couple of days for the weekend joined by her siblings and their partners... Awesome weekend laughing joking messing in the swimimng pool, at one point she swam across the pool wrapped her legs round me kissed me out the blue and said I love you so much mr. P. *later whilst we were all BBQing she came over again another affectionate kiss and I love you so much, things seem pretty perfect right?

We were meant to be spending a week at my parents as all my family are there this week. We were sitting packing etc and she was saying she was really excited (Tuesday last week) she started getting really snappy and I could not understand why, I asked her what was bothering her and she started having a go at me saying she had so much cleaning to do I should take the little one out while she did it, trying to think of her I said no I will help, she then completely flipped out and told me to get out, I told her she was being unfair not just on me but on the little one also, I said I was not going to go out until she at least spoke to me about what the hell was going on (prob not the best move I know) she said fine she was going and picked up a bag, we had a huge row and she walked out, during the row she said we had not slept together in a month because every time I touch her, even just her hand ( although she is always grabbing my hand) it makes her skin crawl she does not and can not look at me like that anymore. She got really nasty and said a load of things that I don't know if she said to hurt or means them, she said she cried when we got engaged cause she felt like she was throwing her life away and she just did it cause she wanted security and did not want to be branded as a young single girl who got pregnant with nobody standing by her. She said cuddling me, holding my hand, kissing me and telling me she loved me at the weekend was just because that's what *you do when you're with someone.*

She said at first she did not want to see or hear from me but discussed us having shared care of the baby but then got really angry on the phone again, I did not contact her and switched my phone off for she day to resist temptation, we ended up talking yesterday on the phone, she was being calm then out nowhere just started screaming down the phone, she sai why are you calling me stop contacting me and slammed the phone down. I text her just saying unsure why you were chatting fine and then all of a sudden got annoyed, take are of yourself please and contact me when you are happy to discuss the baby and appointments etc.*

She text today saying I have taken some money from the joint account but will replace tomorrow, I have not replied, i am devastated confused living out of a caravan with my 2 and half your old, I love her so much and just want us to be together as a family and certainly don't want our child coming into the world in a broken home.*

Her parents are back on Tuesday and they know as she called and told them on tuesday, her dad called to see if I was ok and said to go round Tuesday next week*when they are back so we could all sit down and sort it out but she has told me not to.

Could this be her hormones mixed with Ill timed row, I don't want to stop fighting for her but don't want to anger her or stress her out knowing how had she is finding being pregnant anyway. Sorry for the novel I don't know where to turn or what to do or what to do now, she has being going out until 2, 3 in the morning the last few days are posting it on her wall which is unlike her, i know she is not drinking but am worried about the toll it is taking on her body. All I want is to look after her and our baby, stand by them and us be a family.
Umm i can only speak from my point of view but i know that im getting angry with my fella for stuff i wouldnt normally and my fuse is non existent at the moment. Im not saying this is the whole reason why, say this is just from my experience. I also know that i feel alone in this siutation at times and again its not my fellas fault it hormones. She could have a lot on her plate especially with the court case and everything and may feel like the world is against her.
All i could say is talk to her and stress the point of how much you love her and you want to be a family and want to support her. If she has asked for space then give her some, but then its knowing how much to give her... too little and its annoying and your back to square one... too long and it seems like you dont care! I feel for you i really do but i always think that talking things through and being honest with each other helps, even if the answers are not the ones you want but you can move on from them. Good luck and i hope you sort it out!
i think her family are wanting the right thing for you both, it sounds like horomones plus i think she is realsing she isnt going to have much of a life meaning soical once baby is born. i hope things work out for you 3 as you sound like you care for her, but you also need to remember whilst pregnant we can flip and change for no reason. stay clam with her and give her space let her miss you things should look up x x x good luck x x x
Thanks guys for both your answers,

Jem1 I have tried talking to her and i tried telling her the very thing you suggested, I even told her I was happy to give her as much space as she needed and told her I will wait and she said don't bother your single now and she said it was unfair to play the family card and put that on her. Again hard to know if that is how she feels or if it is just her emotions, I am trying to be patient and give her space and I guess just wait it out.

Tabbi, yeah I am so close to all her family as is my son, it is also what makes it so hard they treat him the same as there other grandchild no different they are a beautiful family. I know her mum or dad will call,me as soon as they land, I was thinking of hanging out the way still until Thursday to give them all a few days together and then maybe see what say.

I hope we sort it out she is my soul mate, best mate my everything.
If thats the case and she has said that it sounds to me like she is being unfair and im sorry to say that as i know you obviously love her. You are going to be tested in this situation and you will have to be patient with her and give her the space she wants, as the saying goes - absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Good luck
if your going to stay away that long give them til the weekend, that way you can say that you wanted things to try and go back to normal in the house and her been around her folks by herself might help and make her realise, if they treat your soon like there grandson thats brilliant and dont stop them if they want spend time with him as if she see's it she might end up realising and give her a wake up call.
i can say just wait but no matter what its a waiting game if she rings you between now and her folks coming back ignore it unless she asks how your son is, that way you cant be blamed for anything and if then she asks why you didnt answer say and tell her the truth you didnt want things to be said or to be taken out of context and it seemed like the most logial thing to do for everyone involoved. keep yourself busy hun and do something with your son x xx
One thing that struck me when reading your first post was that if I was her, I'd have major cold feet right now.
She's 20, has an older guy who's asked her to get married, a ready made family with your son and one on the way.
It's a lot all at once. I'd feel the same. Has she panicked? Is it too much too soon? At 20 I don't think many are ready to settle down on such a large scale (although some are don't get me wrong).
She's pregnant and her life is changing so quickly, is it all a bit heavy for her??
Just my thoughts.
Hey cosmic girl,

I do get that, that's why when at 6 months and she said lets get engaged I waited another 6, I think what I am struggling with is she has exactly what she said she wanted, when I proposed we were only 2 minutes from the restaurant when she said can we get married at end of the summer "this year" :whistle: I said to her that there we could wait a year or two and she said why we are always going to be together and she called my mum and started telling her and saying they were going to start planning the wedding.

She is the one that has kept pushing which is why I think I am struggling to get my head round everything. I love her and have told her all along that we could do things as and when she was ready to, I mean to me it makes no difference I am with the person I love if we do stuff now... Two years... Three it is not about how long it takes to me, more about the journey and the people you make it with.
I hope I don't sound like I'm speaking out of line here, but I would suggest that she seeks professional help.
She pushed for an engagement and stopped using protection with u after just 6 months together. And now she seems to be acting quite psychotic!!
It could be that she's panicking, mixed with hormones, but to be honest, even that isn't a good enough excuse to talk to u the way she has been!!

This behaviour, coupled with the fact that you have both split up already on numerous occasions, screams to me that this whole relationship is dysfunctional and not at all healthy for ur 2yr old to witness!

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hmmm, what I get from reading your post is that your fiance appears to be in love with the idea of being in love? Her statement 'that's what you do when you're with someone' says to me that she is going through the motions of a relationship but doesn't seem to know whether her heart is in it or not?

I don't mean to speak out of turn but I feel pregnancy hormones are getting the blame for a whole lot more than what they are really guilty off?

I hope you both manage to get it sorted out, the fact that her parents seem to be in support of the relationship is a massive plus, hopefully it really is just a case of her needing some space to get through the panic of all the changes in her life. Good luck x
Blimey my PMS is no where near that bad and I get it sever and nither is my pregnancy. She's either attention seeking or got something wrong in the head.

Also - it seems like she only freaks out when her parents aren't around. That screams emotionally unstable and seperation issues to me and she needs help.
I know we're all suffering from pregnancy hormones, but I think this is beyond that, i really think Like Jayjay and Falcon say, that she may have some real mental health issues.

Pregnancy is a huge thing, and even I have sat for the odd moment thinking 'Oh my god, what have I done', but those moments are fleeting. I'm having a go at my OH, but not leaving him!!! I think when her parents come home, you need to have a long chat with them and explain what's gone on and exactly the way her moods and attitudes are changing so dramatically. Good luck
I agree with the girls above. I am very sorry to be blunt but she sounds very immature and selfish. You sound like a really decent person, I know you love her but it is to be equal when it comes to relationships. Trust and respect follow. She has you right where she wants you. I know it is hard with her being pregnant but saying those things are so nasty and destructivel. Yes she is nice at times but that is not good enough. I know you feel the need to look after her now she is pregnant and that is so nice to see you behaving like a decent man that you clearly are but I would think very carefully about the future of this relationship. You deserve to be happy and right now she is very unfairly putting you through it. Please be careful and think about yourself as well. It sounds like whatever happens you have the support of her parents. Take care and good luck Gizzy xxxx
I don't think we can be commenting on people's mental health when all we know about the girl is what her partner has said.

I felt like a total psycho when I was preg, asked OH if he wanted to leave he could etc.

I agree with cosmic, it sounds like its all been a bit much.

At 20 years old, she might have thought she wanted marriage, baby, family. It all sounds very cosy and happy, but the reality of it all is much more difficult. It's hard being pregnant, being a mum, trying to be a good girlfriend and maintain a relationship. She probably didn't realise how hard it would be.
I don't think we can be commenting on people's mental health when all we know about the girl is what her partner has said.

I felt like a total psycho when I was preg, asked OH if he wanted to leave he could etc.

I agree with cosmic, it sounds like its all been a bit much.

At 20 years old, she might have thought she wanted marriage, baby, family. It all sounds very cosy and happy, but the reality of it all is much more difficult. It's hard being pregnant, being a mum, trying to be a good girlfriend and maintain a relationship. She probably didn't realise how hard it would be.

He asked us for our opinions, and we're giving them!

From what he has said, she seems to have mental health issues. If someone needs advice, I'm not going to sugar coat it, because nothing gets resolved that way! Maybe she doesn't, maybe she's just a nasty piece of work! But all we're doing is giving our advice based on what he has told us. I think some women milk it, and blame pregnancy hormones on an awful lot that they aren't responsible for.

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I'm sorry, but I disagree.

The guy came here for advice, he asked could this be cause by pregnancy hormones. The answer is probably not, but I don't think it's anyone's place to judge someone who isn't here to defend herself (two sides to every story) and tell her fiancé she's clearly got mental issues.

I'm not defending how she's acting, just saying that telling her fiancé she's not right in the head isn't exactly helpful. Women cope differently with pregnancy, she's only 20, and we don't know the complete full story.
Ur absolutely right, we only know what he has told us. But from what he has said, my first thought was that she should speak to a professional to help her deal with what she's going through, as she clearly doesn't seem to be coping well.

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Ur absolutely right, we only know what he has told us. But from what he has said, my first thought was that she should speak to a professional to help her deal with what she's going through, as she clearly doesn't seem to be coping well.

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I agree she should probably get help x

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to pick a fight or anything, just the way it was worded sounded bad. Didn't want the poor guy thinking the worst.
Sorry to read you're going through such a tough time at the moment. I honestly feel professional counselling would be best for you as it seems your partner struggles with relationships. This could be for a number of reasons that could have begun from early childhood and are a.) out of your control and b.) she may not be aware of.

I hope things work out for you :)
Ur absolutely right, we only know what he has told us. But from what he has said, my first thought was that she should speak to a professional to help her deal with what she's going through, as she clearly doesn't seem to be coping well.

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I agree she should probably get help x

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to pick a fight or anything, just the way it was worded sounded bad. Didn't want the poor guy thinking the worst.

Not at all :)
I didn't mean for it to sound bad, just wanted to get my point across. I have a tendency to be quite harsh at times without realising it x

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