Pregnant 3 months after C Section

Laura, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, but woohoo on the BFP - not had a C-Section, but did get pregnant after my 4 1/2 months-gestated baby died, I'd had an op to take baby away and they gave me the depo (never again) and can't say it's been easy being pregnant as soon as that wore off.

I would say that with both the c-section and the complication with your baby not making it, that they will keep a very close eye on you, but that you should be fine. They would be on standby if anything did happen that shouldn't - just wish I could write a proper answer to your question!
Oh how fantastic Laura, I am sooo pleased for you, Hubby and Grace - I think it was meant to be..

I have 13 months between my 2nd and 3rd kids and had sections each time, so was a quick pregnancy after the section, and I did get scar burning pain near the end like 34 weeks plus and it was a layer going inside , but all was fine , and consultant was not worried at the time. when she came out the consultant said she saw a window on the womb and a lttle foot went flying by in the bag of fluid, but caused no problems for her at all. Just keep an eye out for any scar pain and let the know at the time, if you get any pain, but loads of ladies fall preg so soon after, bodies are good at healing, 3 months is plenty of recovery time.

Make sure you ask lots of questions when you see your consultant - yyayyyy sooo pleased for you X
I'm sorry for your loss huni. But also would like to congratulate you on your pregnancy!! The way I think of it is...that your body must've been ready for this pregnancy or it wouldn't have let it happen. It's a fabulous thing. Let us know how you get on. x
hi, i ended up pregnant 6 weeks after my c section so i was really close after. im now 34 weeks and 3 dys and have been told i need a c section because im more than double the risk of a rupture. but im going with my heart and gonna have a vback but be monitored carefully. my 1st boy who is now 5 was born by vaginal delivery. i hope it goes oky for you. try not to worry. i know its hard becuse i couldnt sleep for weeks when the consultnt told me a month back. but they do have to tell you the WOSRT case to cover there backs. do what your heart says x Talk to your baby. You gotta special bond. youll know what to do
I think the baby is here now, this thread is over a year old lol!! x
Yep baby is here now :) All worked out fine and she is a gorgeous, bubbly almost 10 month old! :)
lol i didnt realise. im now to this. gld everythings oky tho x
I'm surprised they are supporting a VBAC delivery for you giving the high risk of rupture. They would entertain the idea for me but I suppose I had already had 2 emergency c section previously so it had to be elective unfortuntely.

I had a very thin womb I was told after my last one, I think it was from having them so close together x

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