Pregnancy tests...

You are still so early. If you think implantation is usually between 6 and 10dpo and it takes 2-3 days for hCG to rise to a detectable level after that you still have lots of time!
Fingers crossed for you Dragonfly Fi.
I have what maybe a really silly question, when you say opks do you mean ovulation sticks? How come you are still testing with opks 7 days after ovulation? You and a few others mention about using opks after you've ovulated, i'm a bit confused, should I still use them after ovulating? Sorry for any stupid questions, new to this and all the different terminology! :/
I just wanted to see what my LH levels were doing as when you get a positive pregnancy test you usually have a positive OPK too... Plus i just like weeing on a stick :D
I know the feeling about weeing on a stick, seem to go through so many each month, am completely addicted!

I never knew that about the OPK giving you a positive too, will have to remember that this month - more sticks to hide from my husband :)
Good luck Dragonfly I have my fingers crossed for you :)

I am not sure if I am 3 dpo or due to Ov on 15th dec, my cycles are getting shorter and my lines are always dark with opks so I'm guessing at the moment. I took a 10mui test this evening and I had a faint faint line too it's that bad you can only see under certain lights!

It's way to early to test for me but I have peed on stacks of those sticks and I never see a line so I'm holding out hope for you!

I'm going to wait another week before I test but I think I'm way off, my cycle was on 23rd Nov!

I might buy some FR tomorrow... if i have a clearer line in the morning!

If i wake up in the night at 5am should i wee on a stick then?
Nothing ventured nothing gained! If you have a silly amount of sticks to spare have a go!x
no sorry, been too busy being depressed lol

nothings changed on the IC's... do you think i should get some FR?
Oh sweetheart don't be depressed :hug:

I'm the worlds worst for knowing what hpt's to use, I had to ask the pharmacist what one to use cos it had been 5 years since I last tested lol.
I got line on cheap dip tests day before ish i was due on. FR gave me a negative and cb was obvious! x

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