Pregnancy Forum Village

Well I'm just having a little break from revising, glad to see eveythin is ok and I'm not missing much!! I'm working on my stopping distances and my maths is shocking considering I was good enough to sit my maths gcse two bloody years early lol think I've come up with a system now though :) won't be on much until lunchtime tomo cos my yet is at 10:30 :shock: keep your fingers crossed girls and no bullying me while I'm away!

^^^^^ (bearsmummy)

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seeing as im not a HV who ever voted for me is very silly !!!
So whats the plan cause I can't keep losing mummies!! It's hard not to save them but I do have a plan with my one save! x

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Monkei seems to be quite defensive...

I keep going back to LM though.

Argh I don't know. How many mummys have we got left now?
Monkei seems a bit over defensive for someone who's supposedly 'innocent' also what's goin on with all the quiet ones?! x
I'm a mummy so I'm left :) I thought that about monkei too! Very suspicious x
Well I've just got back from watching sports day... A very MUMMY thing to do!! :D
I only have 2 girls I think are hv's. Total gut instinct!
I also now think mel is a hv trying to persuade the others to vote for me to cover her arse!! Hehee!
9 mummies,7 HVs and me left... There are lots of girls I haven't seen round so for all i know you could all be mummies x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Hmmm I defo have my suspicions about 2 people x
Morning - well nearly afternoon lazy am I?

Am happy to go with the majority as well, as I feel bad for accusing Tiny yesterday :blush: My gut this morning is Alice, then Monkei, then Chaz... eeeep! Don't want to be wrong again though as we are diminishing in numbers :-(
I'm baaaaaaaaaaccccck!!! And I PASSED! soon I'll be driving a nice family vehicle picking my kids up from football and other mummily car things!!!

I'm still out and about now so can't really catch up properly but will be back soon x
Yay congrats!!!! Well done Stacey!!! x

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I remember my theory... It was sooo easy! x

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I really don't know who the pesky HVs are :-/ x

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All the good mummies looking after their babies no doubt :oooo:

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