Pregnancy Forum Village

Gotya! :thumbup: be on tomorrow night after work xxx
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:oooo: but Mamafy said that Piglet could stay and chat last night????

Don't want you to go Isobel :hugs: xx
I think chat is ok, but you cant help us find out who the hvs are, right?
Sorry i'm not quite with it guys, we;re watching a film and hubby keeps shouting at me when i come on here!
Well I'm just having a little break from revising, glad to see eveythin is ok and I'm not missing much!! I'm working on my stopping distances and my maths is shocking considering I was good enough to sit my maths gcse two bloody years early lol think I've come up with a system now though :) won't be on much until lunchtime tomo cos my yet is at 10:30 :shock: keep your fingers crossed girls and no bullying me while I'm away!
Night girls :wave:!

Are we all enjoying the game? :D
Well I'm just having a little break from revising, glad to see eveythin is ok and I'm not missing much!! I'm working on my stopping distances and my maths is shocking considering I was good enough to sit my maths gcse two bloody years early lol think I've come up with a system now though :) won't be on much until lunchtime tomo cos my yet is at 10:30 :shock: keep your fingers crossed girls and no bullying me while I'm away!

I was stressing over stopping distances too but i never had a single question about it!

Good luck hun, i'm sure you'll do fab!

Pinkymum - Hope your ok :hugs:

Mamafy - I love it but it don't half hurt my head sometimes :lol:
Right seeing as I'm up, I may aswell play!

I think we're gonna have to pick someone for the mummuies to vote for, seeing as its only me and the town mayor you know you can trust we're gonna have to pick. We'll vote as a group and hopefully we'll be stronger than the HVs!

Who's up for that plan?
Hmmm I think I get what you mean! The hv's are nearly level with us so we need to start picking them off!
Good luck Stacey!

morning mummies we really must get rid of a hv today before theres none of us left! xx
Quickie... Sounds like a plan, I'm in. See you later!!

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