Pregnancy Forum Village

.... who hasnt posted much i am thinking now its deffinatly always the quiet ones !
And I mean sorry for not trusting you and choosing you in the poll! I'm NOT a HV!!
:shock: I really thought you were double bluffing us Isobel :( you're obviously onto something though, someone read who she accused cos I really can't be bothered to scroll through it all on my phone :(

But :yay: for tiny, I'm so glad you didn't lie to me I was worried :hug:
I want back in, u need mummys as if the hvs are more then the mummys it will be hard work
I don't have lots of time to be on here atm and I'm feeling a bit down so I hope this thread is going to stay nice and friendly - its only a game yeah?

No offense to any of the other mummy's but I think the only one that deserves to get the second chance vote is piglet cos she didn't get to play at all! But that's just my opinion :)
Oh no got back from exercise class to find isobelle84 has gone!!! Always knew you were one of us mummies, sorry, hope Kylie brings you back to us :)
I've learned my lession, and the next time I.will keep quiet, the gobby ones is always a treath
Good luck mummies
Right, am just caught up!

Ahhh Tiny :-( I swear on bump I didn't vote for you! So what happens now, Kylie gets to pick who she saves out of you & Isobel?
I'm really excited to see the end result! It went all quiet now, Tiny we will still be here cheering all the mummies right?
What on earth is this all about?! And how come I don't get it?! How come people are worried people are falling out for real? I've read the first post but don't understand - I feel so thick!
Don't worry Annie half of us still don't get it!!! Basically there's 20 people in the game and some are evil hv's trying to steal mummies and the mummies have gotta stick together an vote out the hv's but no one knows who's who so it's all a game of trust really. Hope you're ok babe x
:wave: Annie :) it's a little game where we have to find out who the evil HV's are otherwise if we don't then they can take us mummies into care (get rid of us out of the game) I sort of see it like Cops 'n' Robbers except it's Mummies 'n' HV's if that makes any sense??? xx
Yeah Tinys still with us :) Shes just been outed thats all but shes a mummy so it doesnt matter that shes outed :)
Where's my partner in crime anyways??? Tinyyyyyy!!!! Have you thought up of a theme tune for us yet??? I still can't think of anything. Bloody "Mulder & Scully" keeps popping in my head and even more oddly - "Thelma & Louise" :rofl:
Somehow I think that has something to do with your "Velma" avatar and perhaps that my middle name is Louise???

<--------- seriously thinks I'm loosing the plot lol :shock: ;-) xx
No, she didnt get voted out. The hvs got you but as tiny had the most votes in the poll her identity was revealed but because she isnt a hv it doesnt effect her :yay:

So far you and piglet have been put up for the chop :( Id say once we're half way through the week Kylie will pick someone to come back. Although she might already have someone in mind! But what if they're a hv....Im going to stop now before my brain tires. Im tired as it is without having to think too much about this lol.
Just checking in quickly, am I still in the game?! Got a bleedin headache and I'm blaming this thread ;)

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