
Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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Pram shopping :)
We started our pram hunt today so my partner can get a rough idea on what we'll be spending and it was easier than we thought we both love the bugaboo buffalo and it ticks all the boxes so he'll order it in March/April ! It's expensive and I was looking second hand until he took the decision out of my hand. We'll also be doing my daughters bedroom at his house in February I can't wait as I know she'll love what we have planned x
Pram shopping is the best!! We basically have decided already haha it's called the egg! It's so beautiful haha also expensive but they are so worth it :p the way I look at it is, I know we'll have more than one baby so we can re-use it. We won't order it until I'm at least 20 weeks. Awww exciting times is she excited to have another brother or sister? Xxxx
The buffalo is lovely. My house is like a very narrow cottage with no hallway so we need something compact that just slides in the cupboard under the stairs. I've still got a baby jogger mini city which I still love but I'm dying for something new and shiny this time and I want a travel system so I can have a carry cot this time but they are all so bloody heavy, think I'm just so used to my light buggy!
Never heard of an egg gunna look that up now

Tonks! You'll love it, they're so funky looking. I have a flat 500 and they fold up sooo small they fit in the boot (which is minuscule) lol xxx
I love the egg but need something suitable for dog walking and beach trips. The buffalo will just fit in my boot x
I liked the bugaboo bee I haven't seen the buffalo, I've not seen one in the flesh though just online. Do they push nicely? Xx
They're lovely easy to push with one handed, decent sized shopping basket and they're a decent height. I liked the bee but saw a 6 month old in one today and they were pretty much falling out of the buggy with feet dangling which I didn't like
Oh I might look at those my problem is just fitting in my crazy small boot haha..Oh god :/ that's awful!! We looked at one (the name totally escapes me) but I think it was a quinny. It was wonderful, included everything a travel a system should have and was a decent price, but when you attached the carry cot, and the car seat carrier oh my god, it was rocking about and just looked so unsafe!! Honestly the rocking was terrible especially with the carry cot there's no way I would put my child in that xxx
That egg looks brill I'm going to see where stocks it in a shop so I can see it in the flesh - however it's blooming heavy!
I have been offered a nearly new Bee for free so I was thinking I'll just have it to buy a carrycot as my son will be going to nursery around the time the 2 baby comes so I'll be walking there every day back and forth. I won't be telling my husband it's £200 just for the carrycot though he'll go mad! But Elfs Mummy I know exactly what you mean about the seat on the bee my son is big he looks ridiculous in it!
I've had a mamas and papas armidillo flip recommended, which looks to tick all of our boxes including folding down really small to fit under the stairs, carrycot for baby to lie flat, large basket, able to collapse with one hand, lightweight, sturdy etc and I like the teal colour, we're going to have a look tomorrow :-) xx
I've had 16 prams. . .

Going for another urbo, best pram ever
Wow, 16 prams! Definitely a well informed recommendation, I will look into it, thank you.
It looks very similar to the armidillo, do you know what the differences are? xx
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I'm not even going to tell you how many I've had ������ I wasn't really interested in prams until my wee one was two as we were gifted an Icandy from a friend for him but since then I've had far too many to mention (lots more than 16 ��) it's become a bit of a hobby - buying them, cleaning them up, trying them out and selling them on. Even though ds1 us nearly four and has a baby jogger elite because of his mobility issues as its the only one he can fit in comfortably it doesn't stop me carrying on my hobby!! I gave no idea what I'll go for this time though xx
Is there one you would recommend from all those you've had Gill? Have you had the armidillo and / or urbo? xx
I'm not an urbo fan as for me the basket is solid and too low to the ground and not hugely practical. Out of everything I've had I rate the bugaboo buffalo very highly and I also love the armadillo flip xt. I saw a picture of the cybex Priam the other day and liked the look of it although I've got no experience with it and the only Stokke I've not had is a trailz so I'd quite like to scratch that itch!! X
With my firstborn I just got a cheap Graco Mirage "travel system". It was fab for what it was. Huge shopping basket underneath which was useful, and the car seat attached to the stroller and was a Babies R Us exclusive colourway (blue pattern, very pretty).

Then I bought a cheap stroller from mothercare, and later got a cheap buggy off Ebay (but new) which was very similar to the Graco but slightly smaller, I got them for use on holiday(s) mainly.

When I had my second I used the graco seat in the car but we sold the graco stroller when my eldest was about 2, and got a fancy big pink pram by Tako (Tako City Voyager) as it laid flat, came with a carrycot for a newborn, and could be parent facing or forward facing. It was lovely. However, it was not that practical as I found it hard to steer and it was hard to get my toddler to walk holding onto the pram and not run off, so I ended up mostly putting DD2 in a sling and putting my toddler in the lightweight stroller (mothercare kite stroller). Or the toddler walked & I still carried the baby in a sling.

In the end I found the slings were easier and more practical (no worrying about getting on buses or up or down steps or fitting through narrow shop aisles. Also no worries about how to push a pram and a trolley round the supermarket etc etc).

This time round I'm not getting a pram, I have about 30+ slings though lmao, and I still see more I want, but I'm trying to resist.
When my second was little you could easily sell them on and buy more but these days they don't sell as easily (there is so much choice now and people seem to just buy new mostly) so it's a lot harder to sell some to raise funds to try out new ones lol.
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I didn't baby wear with my first but it's something I'm keen to try with this one as it would be more practical to wrap baby and continue to use a pushchair with ds1 as he probably still won't be steady in his feet by then. Someone suggested a ring sling to me also to carry ds1 at the moment as he insists on being carried on my hip instead of his pushchair and he's so heavy now (nearly four). I know it won't be hugely comfortable but it's not comfortable carrying him totally unsupported anyway. Any advice Phoenix? X
I have the mamma and pappas zoom and it's wonderful but I need a double now as DD will be 1 when this one is born. I have been looking at the bugaboo donkey it seems perfect. It's double and converts to single when DD is old enough to walk. But it is incredibly big and doesn't fold up very small!
I didn't baby wear with my first but it's something I'm keen to try with this one as it would be more practical to wrap baby and continue to use a pushchair with ds1 as he probably still won't be steady in his feet by then. Someone suggested a ring sling to me also to carry ds1 at the moment as he insists on being carried on my hip instead of his pushchair and he's so heavy now (nearly four). I know it won't be hugely comfortable but it's not comfortable carrying him totally unsupported anyway. Any advice Phoenix? X

A ring sling could work for short trips but for longer trips and a heavier toddler I liked using a short wrap tied in a "ruck" https://tucsonbabywearers.wordpress...sack-reinforced-rucksack-rucksack-variations/

If you will be carrying the baby instead you could start out with a stretchy wrap like a Moby which are nice and cheap and easy to get to grips with, then you can either progress to a woven wrap or Mei Tai etc (or stroller/push chair).
Hope you don't mind me butting in... but is it better to have a carrycot/pram than a lie flat pushchair? I've found one I like but it doesn't come with carrycot but is suitable from newborn. I know you can buy cocoons as well, but are they universal? I'm really in two minds whether to buy second hand with a carry cot + new carseat, or buy new without carrycot + carseat. I'd love to have everything new but on a budget.

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