Possible ectopic...

oh that is good news!! fingers crossed for next week. xx
I've just been to my GP about low abdominal pain, I actually thought I had a UTI... Which I didn't. She palpated my abdomen and there is left sided tenderness , that with the constant cramps and some spotting in the past, she says need to rule out ectopic :( she could only get me an app for a scan next tue so I now have a very nervous wait ... How frustrating ! I am 8 wks 5 days btw.
hi, just finished work, first chance i've had to update.
Had scan this morning and things are looking up - today they could see a gestational sac in the right place, nicely thick walled and regular. Unfortunately they still can't see a yolk sac (not too unusual as only just over 5 weeks) yet so it's possibly still ectopic but my chances are much better now. Another scan in 1 week so fx I can finally start planning after that if all goes well. It's going to be another long week! On the plus side I think I have now met every gynae consultant and midwife at the hospital and am saving up magazines for the early antenatal unit waiting room!

K xx

That sounds very positive indeed. I just wonder why they told you the gestational sac was in the right place (your uterus, I assume) but the pregnancy could still be ectopic? This seems like a bit of a contradiction in terms. I would be inclined to ask for some clarification on this point, maybe they have failed to be clear about it?
With my ectopic, my uterus was well lined, therefore had been preparing itself for the pregnancy, but the embryo had implanted and was growing in my left tube.
At least they are being very thorough, though. Hopefully you can relax a bit, because its still very early days and if it is a normal, healthy pregnancy this would likely be the result of your scan anyway.
Good luck for your next appointment.
Sorry I should have clarified - they can see what appears to be a gestational sac but it could be a cyst - apparently 15% of ectopics will present with the appearance of a cyst like structure within the uterus. Until they see a yolk sac they can't be sure if its a real sac or not. I'm much more positive now though.
Roll on next tuesday.

That's fantastic news :) I've got to wait until wednesday to see if my wee belly bean is wanting to stick... Got told on wed I had miscarried by some silly woman who has not a clue, phoned back up to ask some Q's turns out I'm still pregnant but high chance of m/c because my hcg went from just 66 @ 4wk 2 dy to 75 @ 4 wk 4dy ! I know it doesn't look like its going to be good news I'm preparing myself for the worst but I'm trying to keep that glimmer of hope there for my wee bellybean ! Vaginal and ultrasound on wed, longest week of my life so far :( Stay strong honey ! FX'd for the rest of your pregnancy ! xxxxx
FX for you, hope the scan gives you better news xxx
Just wanted to say good luck to both of you for next week.:)

Went for my scan this morning - all good news! can now see a yolk sac and a pulse so all good! Can't believe it can finally start planning properly now. Hope the others of you waiting for scans have as good news as me. fx for you all xxx:)
kayos that is fab news!!! i had my scan this morn at 10am and good news for me too. Yay us! xx
Yay SO pleased for you hun, what a relief!

You too lynds... Yay! :D so happy everything is okay for you both! xxx

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