In hospital. Cramps got worse

Glad everything is okay and you got a cheeky peek at LO :D Just realised that we are due the same day too!! :dance:
Glad to hear its all ok for you. Got my scan tomorrow (5 weeks 4 days) so fingers crossed they find something this time. Your HCG levels sound fine for this stage (mine were 5000 on saturday)

Kayos I am sure they have prepared you, but it might be too early still to see a heartbeat. Nurse told me last night its usually about 6-7 weeks that it becomes visible.

fingers crossed for you though! xx
Yes, i'm not expecting a heart beat - just a black dot in the right area would be great - i know i'll need more scans over the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.
Hope your tummy pain is bearable xxx
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must have a been a worry, glad all is ok x
great news glad everything is ok :)
just seen your thread lynds - so glad you're ok xxx
Thank goodness you and the baby are okay!
Stay rested and take care :) xxx

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