Positive test 3 weeks after SMOM

benjis mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Looking for some advice. I had a miscarriage confirmed at nearly 9 weeks after bleeding for 4 weeks. Decided to go with surgical management. Surgery went as planned and I was told to take a pregnancy test after 3 weeks to ensure that it had gone back to negative.

Did that this morning and it’s still positive 3 1/2 weeks after surgery.

Has anyone experienced this? I’m waiting for a call back from EPU but worried as I have no idea what might need to happen next
When I had my d&c there was left over Product that my body expelled two weeks after it so it could be something like that? Also, the longer your pregnancy goes on for the longer the hgc takes to come out your system.
Its a good thing you called the epu for advice!
Hi, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I had a missed miscarriage in February where we went to the 12 week dating scan but there was no heartbeat. I had medical management and it took over 8 weeks for the hcg to leave my body. Not saying it will take this long for you but yes its quite normal, very frustrating too! Fx you'll get back to normal sooner rather than later x
Who would ever imagine you’d be wishing for a negative pregnancy test! Thanks for the reassurance. I spoke to EPU and said retest next week and don’t use a digital one as they pick up the tiniest levels. Fingers crossed next Friday it’s negative and then we can start moving on
Who would ever imagine you’d be wishing for a negative pregnancy test! Thanks for the reassurance. I spoke to EPU and said retest next week and don’t use a digital one as they pick up the tiniest levels. Fingers crossed next Friday it’s negative and then we can start moving on
I'm so sorry for your loss, I had a d&c after a 12 week gestation and it took 11 weeks for hcg to go down. This was probably due to retaining product of conception since I passed something old with the second AF.
I checked my levels going down with cheapies since they give an accurate result and not as expensive as the digis or store brand ones.
Hope you get that bfn soon!x
So sorry for your loss, I recently had the same things happen and am back to TTC, which is why I have joined here today. I had surgery on 19th March and didn't get a negative test until almost 3 weeks later. Body took two weeks to clear out the retained products - which was horrid at the time. I have never been so please to see a negative test, it means my body is trying to get back to normal. 9 weeks on and my periods are not quite back to normal, however I had a positive ovulation so I'm pretty sure that bit is working again. I hope you're not too sad for the negative result.x
Well I got the negative test and then a period the next day! So we are going to start TTC as soon as this is over. I bleed for over 4 weeks before finally having surgery and then bled for 3 weeks after (very mild and light but still there) so feel like I’ve been wearing a pad forever!

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