need help with miscarriage options please

hey hon so sorry to hear it was bad news at your scan :-( My "empty sac" was discovered at almost 11 weeks, I opted for the D&C as I didn't feel I could cope with going through the pain and witnessing all the bleeding. Went in hospital at 7am and was out by 4pm, a little bit of pain when I came round from the anesthetic but they gave me painkillers which helped. Bled a little the next day then that was it until my next period which arrived a month later. Day after my Op I took the day off, more to get my head around things really then went back to work the following day. The good thing about a D&C is you can be sure that absolutely everything has passed and it gives your system a good clean out, meaning when you next get pregnant the walls of your uterus are clear for the little bean to latch on.

I decided to wait for 2 cycles before trying again, needed that time just to get over what had happened but it's different for everyone. Once we started trying I fell in the 2nd month using OPKs which I highly recommend along with a relaxed frame of mind.

Whichever option you go for I wish you all the best and am sure within a few months you will be back in tri 1 with a nice sticky bean x x x
ok thanx i might try the opks then as iv heard them being mentioned alot on ttc section. think perhaps dand c might be best thing to do for me to return back to normal. if u dont mind me asking how long did u wait for after d and c to have sex again. silly woman at epau was supposed to call me back at 3 and hasnt, totally rubbish service from start to finish with them i have to say x
Well at least if you have the D&C you can go back to work without the fear of losing masses of blood. I think we waited till I'd had my first period before we had sex again, although they said at the hospital you can have sex after the bleeding stops (after the Op), to be honest though I felt a bit down and not really up for it which is why we waited a few weeks. As far as I'm aware there's no medical reason for you having to wait, it's more when you're ready mentally. As for the OPKs I got mine off a website called highly recommend this site as they are a reasonable price and they are the same strength tests which they use in hospitals. Hope you hear back from the EPU soon x x
Sorry ive no advice hun, but just want to say im so sorry :hugs:.. Thinking of you x
Im really sorry to hear about your news. I had an early natura m/c on the 18th Feb. As all the other girls have said its more than likely not to happen again and we were just unlucky. This keeps me going! It was my 1st too. I decided to wait for my first af and it arrive 2 weeks later which was pretty much still in line with my regular cycle. Good luck and for support I moved over to trying to concieve thread its great !
Hey hun

Really sorry for whats happened. I had MMC got to 10 weeks but baby dies at 7 weeks, my body had not done what it was supposed to. I had D&C at 12 weeks as nothing was happening in the two weeks since first scan, i was in and out of hopspital in 1 day and did not feel any pain, had small amount of bleeding for 1 week and AF returned again 32 days later.

I know surgery comes with some risks but think they are fairly rare, it worked out ok for me anyways.

Hope you can make a decision on whats best for you.

Thanx Hun I have booked in for my d and c on Monday and having few days of that my boss is gona pay me to be off( I'm self employed and thort that was nice of him) actually telling my male boss wasn't as bad as I thought he was really good x thanx for the advice and support x
Hope it all goes well for you on monday hon x x

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