POAS tin!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Ive decided ..... to try and stop me POAS at every opportunity (ive been so bad during this 2ww i do it every day!!!) Im starting a POAS tin - a bit like a swear tin. Every time i do it i have to put a fiver in!

Wish me luck! lol x
LOL hope it doesnt get too full then and you get a BFP soon :)
haha thanks!! Ill probably be able to pay for 6 months worth of nappies by the time i get my BFP! x
A fiver?! :shock:

Just buy expensive tests, which is kind of the same, but you can't cheat ;)
Ha Ha!

When I read the title of this post I was laughing thinking I have a pee stick drawer!

It was only when I read the post properly I realised that you didn't actually have a tin where you keep the pee sticks like I have a drawer with them all in!!

I think I need a tin like you lol!!

Anyone else got a drawer?? lol!

i have a baby making drawer!! you name it its in there. Pregnancy tests, ovulations sticks, various books, preceed, themometor!!!
Stupid thing when ever any guests are in my bedroom i have a fear of them opening it so i always stand in front - its so silly to panic as who is likely to walk into someone bedrrom and open the top drawer of their bedside table?! xx
LOL I have a drawer too! Isn't it strange the way we secrete all these things away? I think the POAS tin is a great idea, it builds up a little collection to buy something lovely for the baby when you get your :bfp:

I am awaiting the POAS addiction (I know it will come, babies seem to be occupying my every breathe at the moment! :rolleyes: so far I am resisting buying ANY baby making equipment :eek: :D ) but once addicted I will certainly try and restrain myself using this method :D
Ha ha, but beware cliqmo, it is very very easy to become addicted. I intended to be so casual about things and then full blown addiction hit! Cue ovulation sticks, stock piled pregnancy tests, thermometers (is that spelt correctly - it looks wrong) charts, pregnancy and baby magazines, car window shades :)confused:), baby wool, baby knitting patterns, and bought baby socks (ones I had knitted to keep me obsessing about TTC would be OK to have. But no, I went and bought some.) LOL Me? Obsessed? Never! :0

I have already dragged DH around Mothercare :eek: but we were only window shopping and it worked at triggering a flickering interest in pushchairs/prams/buggies etc :D :D :D

God help me if I start actually buying things :eek: :D
LOL It's so easy! I saw these socks, and they are so cute. They are tiny tiny little things and I knew I had to have them. My reasoning, one day I will have a baby to put them on. LOL It doesn't make it easy when af arrives (especially after a :bfp:) to look at them. I probably will end up buying more though...:)

Teeny tiny baby clothes are just the cutest aren't they?! It would be just my like to have a huffin' great bruiser of a baby who goes straight into 6mth+ clothes and doesn't fit anything I purchase whilst preggers :rolleyes: :p :)
LOL your description just made a really clear image in my mind of this enormous, monster baby. LOL sod's law that is what will happen. If I buy anymore, I will stick to socks and bibs.

Ha ha I didn't mean to put you off your purchasing! I can just imagine it happening to me :D

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