I promise you, you've done the right thing. Very few babies get significant correction with repositioning. Going for the helmet treatment will gain the best results for correction.
My son started out at something like 12mm plagio and 93% brachy, we got that down to 91% with repositioning. We finished treatment at 5mm and 86% which was in the normal range, upper end of normal.
Don't get bogged down by stats though, two babies can have the same stats but the visual aspect can be quite different. Just go by how the head looks. We stopped treatment when we were satisfied with how his head was looking.
Leland is very young still so you will get good results much quicker than we did.
I would encourage you to go to your local newspaper to get publicity, there are so many generous people around who will donate money I'm sure of it. A lot of people manage to raise most if not all of the cost of the helmet by fundraising.
They do look really cute in their helmets, once you start treatment you will feel a lot better about things. Especially when you start to see his headshape improving.
Sage - I felt guilty too when we discovered our son had plagio. You think it's something that you've done but it's not at all. It can be caused because of lack of fluid in the womb, uterus shape, being back to back etc..lots of prem babies get it because their skulls are softer and others just because they are more predisposed to it than other babies. It's nothing we've done wrong as parents.
Good luck with the treatment Gem and Sage and let us know what fundraising activities you do, I'd like to make a donation