Plagio & Brachy support thread

You are soooooo doing the right thing, dont let you gp get to you, they are following the nhs party line, truth is the cost is to much to allow the treatment on the nhs. You wont regret it when you see the head shape changing. Yes you may get red patches but sudocreme and vaseline on top as soon as you notice anything tends to keep them at bay.
just need to right a lil bit

i keep worrying im doing the wrong thing , its sooo hot today and its made me scared how ill keep him cool with his hat on ? and then i get comments like how his not that bad , but its hard to explain its because is flatness is rounded off that it doesnt look as bad but measurements say it is :cry: so then i doubt my decision and think what if it did fix :roll: being sily maybe its nerves ?

sorry :oops:
It's totally natural to feel the way you are, only when you've started treatment and seen the differences before your eyes will you know that you've absolutely done the right thing.

On hot days like today, just strip him down to his nappy. Our LO was born in June 06, he spent that summer just in a nappy (before helmet treatment) because it was so hot. On warmer days that aren't so hot as today just leave him in a vest.

it's so easy for people to turn around and say it's not that bad, it'll sort itself out etc. It's not their son/daughter that they're talking about. If it was, i wonder would they be saying the same thing?

As Swan has said, if you see any redness starting, just put plenty of vaseline on before you put the helmet on. Find out where the holding points are on the helmet when you get it fitted, be more than likely that that's where you'll need the vaseline on. If it gets sore put some sudocrem on.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Totally normal to feel like this, i was all over the place in the lead up to Charlie being fitted with his hat. I got our provider to drill air holes in the back of it so that it let the air flow.

I kept telling myself that even if it didnt work i would be able to tell charlie i had tried everything to help him. Of course it did work and we went from 109% brachy and 11mm plagio to 91% and 1mm in 24 weeks. That was a pretty long time and most people dont wear the helmet so long when they start so young, but Charlie really had a totally flat head, it really did look like someone had cut the round bit off at the back!!

My hubby and i were just saying the other day how fab his head looks now, i never imagined i would not really pay attention to his head every day, i used to be soooo head obsessed and now i can hardly remember how it looked pre helmet.
Dont feel bad and try not to be self concious about medical people questioning your decisions for Leland, you are his Mummy and youre doing the absolute best you can for him.
Eva has her left ear splinted and taped to correct its misshapenness and I was so worried about what the HVs and doc would say as I was told to leave it and it might straighten itself or she could have it corrected surgically when she is 5 (?!) but anyone who has asked has been supportive over it and now I dont even see the tapes.
I know its very minor compared with the helmet but just have courage in your convictions and concentrate on how happy you will feel this time next year when Lelands head is all round again and its all a distant memory!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for your support girls , didnt realise this was gonna be so emotional , he laid on me tonight and fell asleep , and i just couldnt stop stroking his hair , stupid huh !
Good luck to you and Leland today Gem, I will be thinking of you both! How long will he have the helmet on for?

Pics please!

Valentine Xxx
As I told you last night Gem, good luck and it IS the right thing to do. He will thank you for doing it when he is older.

Text me later xxxxxx
i've been following this and just wanted to say good luck today gem :hug: you're doing the right thing :hug:
gonna be a hard few days , tomorrow he starts with wearing it an hour on and an hour off , he doesnt seem very thrilled with it at mo lol but its cos mummy isnt great at putting it on yet ! here's some pics of my lil capp boy






you can see on the photo where its all gappy , thats where lelands skull needs to come out and where its tight the helmet holds it in.

hopefully ill get one of him smiling when his not looking so scared :lol:
Aww look at him! Honestly, he looks happy enough Gem and I'm not just saying that.

Gorgeous as ever too!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
aww bless him he still looks as gorgeous as ever
and as debbie says he looks happy too which is great
you will all get used too it!!
Awwww Kim! Bless him! He looks sooooooo sweet in it!
Poor little Leland but brilliant you are getting it sorted. He will thank you for it in years to come. And he does look dashing in it too!
awww. how is he and you doing? getting use to it?
he starts proper tomorrow , hour on then hour off , sat is 2 hours on 1 off , sunday 4 hours on 1 of and monday 8 hours on 2 off , tues full time

tbh i think he hates it :cry: he cries when i put it on then his ok , but he isnt himself anyway , being a right whinger :roll:

its quite awkawrd to put on , sure once i get better he wont mind so much :pray:
awww :( whens his next review? At least your a step closer to getting it better. the cardiff company were spose to phone me back today with an appointment but htey never got back to me :?

Does he get sweaty in it? Im worried about that with ky, hes a human microwave at the best of times. I duno what hes guna be like with a helmet on!

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