Plagio & Brachy support thread

have posted in pics but here are lelands graduation pics and stats :dance:





first scan , 19th june 08 ages 4.5 months
head circumference 434 mm
cephalic ratio (brachy) 89%
asymmetry (plagio) 17 mm

final scan , 10th nov 08 age 9.5 months
head circumference 462 mm
cephalic ratio (brachy) 83%
asymmetry (plagio) 5 mm :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
That's FANTASTIC! Such a change! Am glad it all worked out and he will def thank you when he is older. xxxx

Go Leland!
Aaahhhh! Well done Leland. Those scan pics are fantastic, just shows what a difference treatment has made. :cheer: :clap: :dance:

Soz - it's taken me a while to see this.... 2nd week back at work, so life has suddenly changed a lot & I'm knackered!!!

Oliver has his 4month appointment on Monday. I reckon he may still have another month to go in his helmet tho. But at the same time it'd be great if he didn't! We'll see. :pray:
Boo! Not much progress this month :(

Another 2mm's off the plagio stats. Now at 7mm (only 1mm away from being "normal" :clap: )

But the Brachy's not moving much - Still only at 90% now. Was hoping to get to 83%, but he's only moved 4% in the last 2 months.

Was hoping Oliver would be helmet free by Christmas - but just have to play it by ear at each appointment now! Oh Well - I'm a bit disappointed. :( I'll have to feed him up for the next few weeks so that he has a growth spurt! :lol: :)
we didnt have change for the last month or so but we had growth , she said that it ment that although measurements hadnt changed his head shape had . plagio is much easier to fix then brachy and for oliver to come down to 7mm from what he was is trully amazing !!! i know its hard , leland still has a funky flat bit that hasnt changed through all of it ( well i dont think it had but some pics somethings changed if u get what i mean?) and i know it would be great for oliver to be out by xmas but if he isnt dont beat yourself up , give him some treat time off :wink: and stick rudolf ears on it lmao keep going hun , you know it will be worth it no matter how many months :hug: plus , youve paid , get your moneys worth :rotfl: bi hugs :hug: so uhave any before an after pics of his head now ? would love to see the difference but understand if u want to wait !
Well - This is THE END! :cheer: :dance: :clap:

Oliver has 'graduated' from his helmet.

Stats were/are:

Started @ Plagio 25mm
Ended @ Plagio 6mm

Started @ Brachy 97%
Ended @ Brachy 90%

Here's some scan pics etc.

Side View:

Top view:

Back View:

Front view:

Before pic:

After pic:

Scan Hat:

My Happy Lad:
those are amazing scan pics , i wish i had ones like that !!!! really pleased for you and oliver hun honestly , its all been worth it for our boys to be lil pea heads !
Congratulations Zodiac and Oliver, those results are amazing!!! You must be so pleased with the outcome :cheer:

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