Plagio & Brachy support thread

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:hug: :hug:
sorry the other stuff hasnt worked hun
i hope you get great results from the helmet quickly.
your little boy is such a cutie :)
oh look at him! Such a good little boy- He looks absolutely gorgeous, waiting so nicely :) He is lovely.
awww bless him :( its really hard isnt it? i no its only cosmetic but its horrible seeing anything happen out of "the norm" to your pride and joy.

We were exactly the same, i explained when we went in that i wasnt even sure if he had brachy and was shocked when he was classed as severe. We didnt have the money for a deposit so we'll be making an appoinment to go back after our holiday next week.

As much as id like to forget about it if he came home as a teenager from school crying from being bullied about his head shape id never forgive myself that something could of been done when he was younger.

I'll PM you my msn. At least lelands cute enough to even pull off the funkiest of head wear! :wink:
aw hun he looks so gorgeous and cute in the pics. Hope the helmet works for him as quickly as poss. Feel free to let go on here whenever u need to - thats what we are here for :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks sage , maybe we could think of some fundrasing ideas together ?

weve picked a jungle animals themed helmet , hope he likes it !
Aww bless him, what a handsome little fella he is! Glad things are being sorted and if I can help with the fundraising in anyway then give me a shout :D x
I promise you, you've done the right thing. Very few babies get significant correction with repositioning. Going for the helmet treatment will gain the best results for correction.

My son started out at something like 12mm plagio and 93% brachy, we got that down to 91% with repositioning. We finished treatment at 5mm and 86% which was in the normal range, upper end of normal.

Don't get bogged down by stats though, two babies can have the same stats but the visual aspect can be quite different. Just go by how the head looks. We stopped treatment when we were satisfied with how his head was looking.

Leland is very young still so you will get good results much quicker than we did.

I would encourage you to go to your local newspaper to get publicity, there are so many generous people around who will donate money I'm sure of it. A lot of people manage to raise most if not all of the cost of the helmet by fundraising.

They do look really cute in their helmets, once you start treatment you will feel a lot better about things. Especially when you start to see his headshape improving.

Sage - I felt guilty too when we discovered our son had plagio. You think it's something that you've done but it's not at all. It can be caused because of lack of fluid in the womb, uterus shape, being back to back etc..lots of prem babies get it because their skulls are softer and others just because they are more predisposed to it than other babies. It's nothing we've done wrong as parents.

Good luck with the treatment Gem and Sage and let us know what fundraising activities you do, I'd like to make a donation :D
aww hun, Ive only just caught up with this thread! :hug: :hug: :hug:

my bro had the same thing, he is now 15 and has never had it corrected. His head looks kinda big where it is squished out to one side and sadly, he has been picked on because of it. At the time my Mum didnt know anything about plagiocephaly and thought it was just where he layed on one side and that it would correct itself. Only last year did Mum hear about it and she showed him pages from the internet about the condition and at least now he doesnt feel so bad about it :)

Anyway, Im soo glad Leland is getting the helmet. I know you want your babe to be perfect :hug: honestly though, Leland is so utterly gorgeous he'd look beautiful no matter the shape of his little bonce :) 3-6months will fly by and hopefully it works for him :hug: :hug: :hug:

Good luck with the fundraising babe xxxx
Only just seen the pics as couldn't view them at work.

What a gorgeous little boy Leland is!!! He's so cute!!!!
I know its difficult now but as bagpuss says you will not regret it for a minute. The difference it will mak to your babies headshape is amazing and the worst bit is you getting used to it, they will take it in their stride.

Good luck with your helmet journey and if you have any questions please just shout, Charlies starting measurements were 11 mm plagio and 102% brachy really really severe. He was 6 months old when we started and to look at him now you would never think anything was ever wrong. It does work and your children will thank you in years to come.
Gem hes an absolute darling, look how cute he is sat on his dads knee!!

I hope it all works out well for him, he really is a cutie! :)
awww bless him and his little lazer cap... :D He looks absolutely gorgeous.... Its not fair that you have to pay for the best treatment for your kid... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I bet he'll still look just as gorgeous in his little helmet honey, definately think you are doing the right thing. have made a small donation xxx
oh wow debs , thank you hun , i need to post your booties too but i thought id keep em here till u get that bfp :wink: ?

thanks everyone for your comments too :hug: your all so supportive its amazing :oops:
Leland looks just so cute Gem - what a darling.

Good luck with the treatment, I'll definitely be following his progress.

Valentine Xxx
Iv just seen this...what a brave little fella..cute too!

Good Luck with the treatment :hug:

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