deformational plagiocephaly

We aren't seeing the paediatrician til 20th June! :( Ella will be nearly 6 months by then and time is running out.

I think she will need a helmet and if so then we need to get it sorted ASAP. We're skint but DH said we could borrow the money off of his parents - however I don't want that hanging over me and influencing the amount of time we have to spend with them iykwim. Plus when we owed them money before (we borrowed the deposit for buying out flat which we paid back) I always felt guilty for ever buying anything.

If we go to Cranial Tech then they are bound to tell us that we need one, but will they be offering unbiased advice? :? I can't bear the thought of having to put her through wearing one for months, plus a 7 hour round trip every week or 2 weeks will be very hard, financially and on Ella. It's bad enough deciding whether to do it as a one off for the Baby Show!

It's not fair. I first brought up Ella's head when she was about 5 weeks old and was dismissed. I feel so angry and upset.
We've got an appointment in Cardiff to see about a helmet on Thursday.

It's closer to us and should only be a 4 hour round trip. They are ethical and wont tell you to get a helmet if they feel there is no need, but we are prepared for the worst.

I'm really worried that people are going to be horrid about it :(
Hi i have had this problem with my little boy when he was born because his heart rate ws dipping up and down they had to deliver him quiclky and decided that the best option was to use the ventouse but when we were looking at him his head too was flat on one side but i thought that this would eventually go with time. I also remember aswell noticing this when he was a little older that his head was stiil very flat on one side and mentioned it to the doctor when we had an appointment with him but he too told but that it would right itself out with time. He is now 2yrs old almost and still has a slightly flat head on one side which as i said was told would right itself out thinking im rather annoyed about it as it hasnt and something could have been done my mate was always constantly telling me how his head was flat and misshapen and people still notice it now although she was never cruel about this its still a little upsetting to think people ridicule these things.
rosieroo said:
We've got an appointment in Cardiff to see about a helmet on Thursday.

It's closer to us and should only be a 4 hour round trip. They are ethical and wont tell you to get a helmet if they feel there is no need, but we are prepared for the worst.

I'm really worried that people are going to be horrid about it :(

I'm concerned about people being horrid too. Good luck for thursday then hope it goes ok. It's going to get too late for Reece soon as i'm having trouble sorting out money. My friend who was lending the biggest sum has just got her own problems so i'm stuck :(

I've been bringing up the shape of his head since he was newborn too but nobody listens. I think the NHS should fund the helmets its not fair. A woman i know pretended to have depression because of her saggy stomach after having 3 kids and she got a free tummy tuck!!? I think a child is far more important than a vain woman!!! :x
I totally agree Hazel, it sucks :(

DH's parents have said they will give us the money for it. If they hadn't we would have had to put it on our credit card and paid it off in dribs and drabs :( He is an only child and they have some money tucked away so they said they would help out. We're still going to have to put it on the CC until they give us the money to pay it off.

Some docs will refer people to this place and you can get the treatment paid for. However I know that the paed wont do that here as I've read about another mum locally who got no help.

I hope all of you get this figured out i hate how doctors brush things off just so it makes a problem worse in the future :twisted:
I would be reaming all them docs if i were you .
Hi guys..

I was in the doctors surgery today and I picked up a very old (October 2005) copy of Parenting magazine. There was a letter in there from a woman whose son has DP and she wasn't able to afford the special helmet and the care that he needed. She said that anyone who can't afford it should approach their local authority as she did and her son was taken care of.

Hope that helps...

Thanks Sue - my HV said today it will be worth looking into seeing whether we can get it on the NHS if the paed thinks one is needed. I don't want her to have to have one, would rather we got her neck muscle sorted out first then wait and see whether her head improves. It's really annoying how long it takes to get things sorted out :(

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