Plagio & Brachy support thread

G3M said:
aww , thanks bee , tbh an lil thing helps :hug: and if u want to donate on sat it would save paypal fee's but dont feel u have to , we all know how epensive these bubba's are !

anyone who does donate now tho i will be sending some raffle tickets too once ive got prizes and tickets printed !

oky doke :D will do that then :D might as well save the paypal fees :D
someone gonna have to help me tomorrow with the helmet putting on and off lol cos leland needs to be sitting :oops: dont think i can bring bumbo with me :rotfl:
Gem, it actually suits him :D I also just have to say.... how gorgeous are his eyes :shock: All the ladies will be fighting over him when he's older :lol: :wink:
everyone comments on his eyes or his eye lashes ! that put alot of girls ones to shame lol

thanks to anyone who helped hold him today ( fran lol ) while i was putting the helmet on and off ! ill get there in the end !

weve done 7 hours in it today , tomorrow is 4 hours on 1 off and he can nap in it :cheer:
Awww what a cutie, the next couple of weeks will be hard, when you are out people will stare and some will be downright rude, dont worry you will soon become imune to it all and forget he is wearing it. I didnt believe peole when they told me that but its so true, and you will start to see his little head round out pretty soon. Charlie only had the helmet on four days when i started to see change.

Well done gem for doing this for your baby. any questions just shout

Gem, i think you should add your paypal address tbh.. even if some people donate £1 each every little helps..infact.. i would like to start a thread jsut as we do when we have a loss here..
I missed this thread :shock:

Good luck with it all hun, he looks quite content in it, little love :hug: :hug:
he had his first over ngiht last night , he slept ok which is good :cheer: so it cant bother him that much !

weve also had our first phone call from the raffle letters i sent out ! HEART radio want to help :cheer: she said she doesnt normally but leland was just too cute !! :dance:
ah thats brilliant :-)
glad he managed to sleep without it bothering him!
he's such a cutie :-) :hug: :hug:
that excellent news GM3. We're having serious doubts at the mo im dreading when ky gets his :cry: whats it like out on the street? Im really sensitive about it and id rather people wouldnt ask but i no im guna have to face that. i hope you get results quickly he looks fab in it!!
are you going through the same doubts i did , i think its cos its a pretty big thing to go through and even now im scared !

went to mothercare and toysus today ( in search of this dam all terrain buggy lol ) and tbh , noone said anything and the girl helping us played with him and said how gorg he is and sisnt mention the helmet as if it wasnt there !

tbh , if someone says anything ill baffle them with the long term words lol like yes his wearing a helmet to correct plagiocephally and brachephally and they wont have a clue anyway !

his just had is hour off , and im sure i see a change :rotfl: lol

sage if youve got msn dont mind chatting to u xxx
G3M said:
weve also had our first phone call from the raffle letters i sent out ! HEART radio want to help :cheer: she said she doesnt normally but leland was just too cute !! :dance:

How fab is that!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
woolworths are donating some vtec kids stuff :dance:

had a bit of a wobble last night , couldnt get the helmet on proper and just cried , he was crying i was crying it was one of 'those' moment where i just thought i was a crap mum :wall:
Aahhhh :hug: I'm sure it'll get easier as you both get used to it. And remember it's the long term benefit that counts, the wearing of the helmet will be such a small amount of time in the grand scheme of Lelands life.

I've booked Oliver a consultation appointment at the Cardiff co. for next Thursday.
were back this morning for our first check up , ive justfound leland asleep on his tummy :o i didnt here him whinge in the night tho so dunno if he got stuck or wanted to be that way !

we've also started a website / blog :dance: work in progress tho lol

good luck thurs xxxx
hope the check up goes ok. i've donated via your funky new website :lol: :hug: :hug:
a funky work in progress new website lmao

thanks suze & connor (is there a hug smiley yet lol )

weve had another raffle prize turn up , £20 voucher for pumpkin patch ! ( my fav kids clothes lol )

first measurements look good ! his plagio hasnt change but his brachy has already gone down from 89% to 86% !!! his head is popping out from the back , which looks weird has its like a big lump !?!

oh and theyve drilled vent wholes in the back , doesnt look pretty but least it should help him cool down !he does get sweaty lol
aww thats brilliant news, cant believe your getting results already! can you see the difference then? hopefully it will be off sooner than you think! whats he like at night with it?

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