What a hideous night. I feel like a really crap mum.
Oliver was so unsettled all night, we probably only managed a few hours sleep in total & come 4am this morning I couldn't do it anymore & took his helmet off, so I knew he could get some sleep, he was sooo tired & miserable.
He would fall asleep on my shoulder, but the minute I laid him back in his cot he'd wake up & cry again - and it was quite a shrill cry, not like normal

In the end I tried just laying him down beside me, in my bed & he did manage an hour before waking again. But I know this is not ideal as he's never slept in my bed with me before & I don't wanna get into this as a habit, but didn't know what else to try without resorting to taking off the helmet.... which I did inthe end anyway.
He's back in helmet this morning, but still not his happy normal self. He's just gone to sleep - he's probably still knackered - I know I am! I'll see if I can get a little snooze too otherwise not sure how I'll cope tonight.
Please tell me this will get better.