Plagio & Brachy support thread

i tell you when he has it on more , apprently they do and u kinda have to dress them in less and no socks etc ( gutted his got loverly shoes ! and clothes lmao) . reviewed next week , then fortnightly !
Aw Gem, he is so beautiful in his wee helmet! He looks fab and he'll soon get used to it, at least they are phasing it in. Any idea how long its on for?

Valentine Xxx
anything from 3 -6 months , depending on his growth rate which face it , at mo shows no signs of slowing !
he looks super-cute and you're doing the right thing even though it must be hard!
I look forward to meeting you and Leland on Saturday :D xx
Ah bless him. I am sure he will get used to it hun.
Oh and i love the lions on it :)
Ahh, he looks so cute with his helmet on.

These first few days where it's on and off all the time are the hardest. It takes a while to get used to putting it on properly. They make it look so easy at the helmet clinics.

If it appears to be squashing his eye on one side, you might need to put the helmet on lower down on his forehead.

You will get the hang of it soon enough.

Keep on growing lots Leland, it will be off in no time :D
Bless him he looks so cute like hes about to go off and do something adventurous, bungee jump or something! I'm sure he will get used to it in no time, babies are very adaptable and hopefully he will keep growing fast and not need it very long.
:hug: :hug: :hug: to you both, well done for sticking to your guns and sorting it out now while he is little.
He is a little star Gem...hugs to Leland from us xxxxx :hug:
Only just noticed this update.

Leland looks sooooo cute G3M. I'm sure he'll get used to it soon - it must be weird for him. It's good that you build up the time spent in it over a few days.

What happens at night - do you have to wake him up to take it off & put it back on again for the next few days too?

When he goes full time in it - does he have it off at any point? What about washing his hair, having a bath, going swimming?
aww he looks really cute and he will soon get used to it :hug:
Awww it looks so sweet!! I've said before, there's not much Leland can't pull off!! He's a little trooper!! :D
the first 2 nights he doesnt sleep in it , then the 3rd night he does .

they were it for 23 hours , so in that hour u must wash and bath them and washa nd dry the helmet , they reccommend u have 2 x 30 mins breaks aslong as u can get the helmet dry after washing it

she said swimming should be taken as half of the time off for that day but im sure 10 mins over isnt going to matter too much .

he also must have it off if he has a temp, and if more then 2 days he goes back for a refitting .

every 2 weeks where back at the clinic where they adjust the inside of the helmet .
aww leland carries it off in his usual gorgeous way. just keep thinking why you have the helmet, the tme will soon go :hug:
i think it looks so cute!!!

What is 3-6 months in the grand scale of things??? Not long for a lifetime of having a nice shaped head. He will be far more confident as an adult if you get through this. I think you have done the right thing and admire your courage in doing whats right for your son over what you think is easier. £2k is a lot of money though, i think it is disgusting that you cant get it NHS. :shakehead:

He's gonna be a right looker when he's bigger, the women will love him. He's sooooooo cute!!! :cheer:
ive sent off 30 letters today asking for raffle prizes etc have sent a poster and a photo of leland is his helmet so fingers crossed it pulls some heart strings , ive also sent the same poster to local radio and papers so who knows

im hoping that once ive raised the money for leland , that ill just continue raising money and awareness and help someone else out too :wink:

and i really apreciate any donations :hug: yours a special bunch of girlies on here thats for sure :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well I saw the paediatrician today & he wasn't concerned about the head shape.

He thinks it was a 'side effect' of Oliver having one neck muscle shorter than the other when he was born (he had a real preference to looking over his right shoulder), which in turn made him favour his right side for sleeping and hence flattening off on that side.

Now Oliver has better movement of his head & looks around more - not always to the right. The Dr thinks this will sort itself out over the next 6 months, but had also booked us an appointment with a pysiotherapist to go through some passive physio to help Oliver out a bit.

I asked about the helmet, but he said he'd worked with the child cranial specialist & he didn't recommend the helmets as treatment.

I asked if come 6 months down the track its not better, is there still time to do something more physicl about it & he said yes, up to 2-3yrs the bones would still be soft enough to change the shape....

So - I dunno what to do now. Do I wait til he's a year old & hope this physio sorts it or do I go get a 2nd opinion from the helmet people?
a free 2nd oppinion wont hurt , you could have put money on the consultant saying no to the helmet .

lelands been having physio since 8 weeks for torticollis , im suprised that your bubba hasnt if they knew he'd got the neck issues ? lelands was picked up on his 8 week check and we started physio the next week !

think the helmet people will try at the latest at 14 months , i think it depends how much softspot is still 'soft'
GEM - i explained about Leland's helmet to my OH and he asked if we could donate something - we'd like to help you and Leland out. Not sure how much, we're pretty poor but we'd like to give something, do you want cash at the meet or shall we do it through the fb page?
aww , thanks bee , tbh an lil thing helps :hug: and if u want to donate on sat it would save paypal fee's but dont feel u have to , we all know how epensive these bubba's are !

anyone who does donate now tho i will be sending some raffle tickets too once ive got prizes and tickets printed !

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