beanie said:
Hyley Sam looks a bit older now, that photo is a year old. He is starting to lose weight as he has quite a few lumps which the vet thinks is cancer but they can't do anyhting for him so we are just waiting

. He seems happy enough at the mo pottering round but I am dreading having to make that decision.
Macca was all old and stuff, he was all pottering around and stuff too.
Unfortunately the decision was taken out of our hands, Graham and i went round to mums, and we took him for a long walk with Charley... makes me sad to think about it really.... Was a monday when we took him for a walk.... mum came to my house Wednesday evening, i'd just got in from work, i took one look at her and said "not macca" and we all just cried for a couple of hours... the vets think he had a heart attack after the walk monday evening and he just kept going on tuesday but when mum got up wednesday morning he wouldn't move, she just sat with him till the vets got to the house....

i still wait for him to come running over when i get to mums!!
Sorry, i'm crying so much now!! I feel guilty cos it was us who took him for the long walk!!
No thats not Charley's leg in the first picture... sorry!!!
Charleys old and poorly too, his vets check up last week showed that he's blind in one eye and partially sighted in the other one, and he's got a lump in his boy parts that they think may be cancer.... Mum's really upset, all this within a year of Macca going to Bonio heaven and Dad being poorly!!
Wow, sorry for the big post, didn't mean to go on.... and didn't mean to upset anyone, so i am sorry!!
Was only coming in here to tell Zoe i love coming in and looking at pictures of Tilly!!!!