Pets pictures


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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After seeing Para and Daddy's beautiful 8 week old puppy, I noticed a lot of people have said that they would like to post pictures of their pets too. So I thought I'd start with my 2 babies.

This is Carling, he is about a 4 year old German Shephard cross. We are not sure what he is crossed with as he was tied up outside a local pub 2 years ago and abandoned. :( Their loss, our gain!! :D

Then we have Jess, a 2 year old Rottweiler. She's dippy as hell!!

Then, finally, a picture of my DH with Jess. She goes sleep on her back with her paws in the air and her ears stick up and she looks like she's laughing!
Your dogs are gorgeous!! i wish we still had our dogs, we should be getting them back after xmas when we move to our bigger house... we didnt have the room for them at this house so my parents have got them.,.. sorry wafflin as normal... Here are my puddy tatts
This is puddin she is the dopiest cat in existence!!

puddin lies down abit like your dog tankett...

and this is my older cat rocco we rescued him from the cats protection he was badly treated.


We have a rabbit too but cant find a pic of him at the
Your pets are lovely - especially the cats....I'm totally a cat person but OH won't let me have one as he thinks it will smother the baby and sleep on it's head and MIL thinks it will give me rabies and paralise someone!! :shock:

Tankett - what are Rottweiler's temprement like? I've heard bad and good stories but OH would love one and I'm tempted to say yes as I hate not having a pet around the house. It feels so empty. What about around children and babies? I know you are TTC but are you worried about how the dogs will take to a baby?
Daddy - I agree with the cat thing!! Used to have 2, but so so glad I now have dogs.

Sami, Jess is so soft you wouldn't believe it. You can stand on her, pull her ears and tail and she just looks at you as if to say 'is that all you've got!'. Not that we do those things, please don't call the RSPCA!! She's my dog, and has a bad habit of laying down behind me, especially when I am cooking, so I'm always falling over her. She has never once snapped in anger. We had her from a friend of mine who has 2 children under 3 and is pregnant again. They were moving to rented accomodation and were not allowed to take the dogs, so we took her, and my husbands uncle took their springer spaniel. The 2 children used to use Jess as a horse and ride on her, and also as a stool to stand on and reach things. So no, I'm not at all bothered about having her around once baby comes. In fact, I think I would be more concerned if I had a cat. I mean, you don't see pram dog-covers for sale in shops do you?
LOL that's very true - I shall let me OH know that he may be able to get one soon then :) Thank you! x
Lyn_No3 - your cats are lovely - are all tortoishell cats soppy? I used to have one that would fall over and start purring if you just looked at it...

We're going to get a cat when we move. I want one straight away, but OH wants to wait until after the baby. I'd rather have only one creature in need of housetraining at a time and don't fancy clearing up after a kitten and dealing with a baby. Course he'd have to clear up after the kitten if we got it while I was pregnant. Oh, I see ;o)
Sami, I am both a cat and a dog person. I have one dog who is an elderly gentleman and 3 cats (thought one cat thinks he's a dog so I guess 11/2 dogs and 21/2 cats). I have had dogs for years and love them to bits but recently have become so attached to cats. I think they get a bad press, yes I am concerned about a cat getting into the cot, we have caught one in there a couple of times though knowing what she is like I would be suprised if she went in there when there is a baby there as she scares easily. My eldest cat I think would try and get in the cot as he likes warm things to cuddle but it just means I have to ensure I close the door to the nursery. Have already got into the habit of that so I can't see it being a prob. I have never caught anything of my cats, they are wormed and flead regularly. Cats are quite clean creatures. The youngest cat (the one with the identity crisis) is lovely, he mieows when he comes in till you say hi to him, and he loves having his belly tickled. I have just handled my cats loads and I tease the life out of them and they just walk off so when baby starts pulling their tails they will soon learn to avoid the small person. As for the dog, he is 14 years old and if he notices that there is a new person in the house (he tends to be in a world of his own watching the world go by) again I will ensure I never leave him on his own with the baby. The pet I am most concerned about is one of my rabbits who can be a bit of a grumpy git and will bite if he doesn't want to be stroked, he chases the cats and the dog around the garden and keeps weeing on the other rabbit so we have told him that he is going to the vets to loose his little boys. :shock:

I have not had a rottie but used to look after, he was a big softy!!I'm a big believer in the fact that it is not the type of dog its the owner, when we first got Sam who is a collie he was a nightmare as he had been so badly treated. It has taken us 10 years and he at last trusts us enough to stroke his face. Just make sure your pet gets loads of exposure to different things when they are young and you will get a friendly confident pet.
I have grown up with cats so I know they are fine - and I know I can't get Toxoplasmosis as MIL is convinced I can lol. I've been around them for 19 years now - think I'm immune by now.
My two cats who live at my mums now were never ever a problem, never bite, never scratch (even when my sister was a baby and used to pull them by their paws :shock: ). I find them gentle comfting animals and love their warmth. Plus you don't have to bath them like dogs nor brush their teeth to stop their breath stinking lol.
I'd love to get a rescue animal when we finally do get a pet. This is part of the reason I don't want to get a pet before the baby though as it may need more attention for quite a while and I may not be able to give it that when the baby comes.
Sami said:
Plus you don't have to bath them like dogs nor brush their teeth to stop their breath stinking lol.

The other day we had to bathe one of our cats as she got paint on them, (why do animals sense wet paint). I was worried in case she licked at it and got ill so we thought we'd bath her. All I can say is never bath your cat. You have never heard anything like it, she yowled, hissed and scratched. She did get her own back though by sitting on our bed soaking wet. Took her a week to forgive us but she hasn't gone near paint again!!! :twisted:

You are probably immune t toxo, people who have had lots of contact with cats usually are. Though I don't tell OH that so he can continue to clean out the litter tray. I agree about the rescue pet, there are so many out there. I went with my friend when she went to get a dog and was in tears the whole way round. I managed to come home though without a new pet, to the amazement of OH. All ours are sob stories we even have a one-eyed fish.
Will try my best. He is one of those bug eyed fish also which makes it more obvious, life is so cruel x
I've always been around both cats and dogs and i agree with beanie aslong as your careful then there isnt a problem, my cats are very loving, clean, regularly wormed and flea'd, they dont go near the baby cos of the strange noises he makes, it scares them both to death, and they both get picked up and pulled around by my other 2 boys and neither of my cats have bitten them :) nor tried to climb into their bed or cots. You have to walk dogs you have to clean up their poo which gets everywhere!! and god dogs farts are the worst not to mention their breath, they need much more attention too, but having said all that i'm missing my dogs like mad at the moment and only get to see them at weekends :(

Why not cats daddy? you must have some reasoning behind this?
ive just never liked cats , dont know what it is they just make me cringe
LOL thats a shame for you really, i went out with a guy like that years ago ... i have to say i converted him :) he now has cats of his own.
Well i guess you can't help personal taste however bad or good :wink:
I have grown up with cats so I know they are fine - and I know I can't get Toxoplasmosis as MIL is convinced I can lol. I've been around them for 19 years now - think I'm immune by now.
me too! i am such a cat person! never cared much for dogs at all really. i have a ginger cat called "ginny" now, and he is the biggest softie cuddly cat ever. i swear he used to be human in a previous life! too clever for his own good, he opens doors to get to the catfood! :shock: he's my hero, he kills spiders for me (those big house spiders! :shock: ) and keeps me company when i am alone in the house.

all he wants in return is cuddles and food, better than any man i've met so far! lol i've never met a man that will settle for cuddles and food, they usually want SEX as well!! :lol:

he knows that something's up, he sleeps on my belly in front of the telly sometimes, and when there's a kick, he just opens one eye and gives me an affectionate kind of look, stretches his paw out (no claws) and pats my cheek then goes back to sleep!!!! how weird is that?? he'll do that paw thing whenever i'm upset as well! i'm not worried about him smothering the baby or anything, we never had that problem with the cats my parents had when me and my little sis were babies.

i'll post some pics of my little ginger hero as soon as he comes back in and i can get a photo taken!
Just to annoy first time daddy I will post a piccy of my gorgeous Molly!

Ahhhhhhhh.......isn't she cute! :lol: :lol: :lol: We adore her and she adores us!

my border collie puppy Dooley at 5 weeks old,

me and doo just after I moved house

10 weeks

16 weeks

20 weeks

6 months

and again

and NOW


I love my pup if you didnt notice!
Here is my contribution..



Toby posing


and Sam

as i promised here's a pic of my hero ginny:


he was asleep upstairs in our bed all along!
and he's not wearing his "supercat" lycra outfit, as he's off duty at the moment.
(no spiders in sight just now :lol: )

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