Personal question... pls let me know if you feel the same


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi everyone. This question is a little personal but hope someone out there feels the same as me.

Since becoming pregnant, my hubby and I havent had any intimate time together. Most the time I just don't feel up for it cos of the bloating and nausea. But other times I'm petrified that having some sexy time could do some damage to LO.

Am I the only one who feels like this?:cry:
We are the same, I think a lot of people feel like that, you aren't alone :hug: x
Me and the Oh haven't done anything since the day my Af was due so about 5 weeks!! I'm too scared to do anything especially after hearing about bleeding happening after!

Not that the OH hasn't tried to get something to which I tell him he knows what to do and can use the bathroom! :)

Don't think he is too impressed with that, I just hope it gets better in tri 2 xx
Yep agree. However I've been having some fruity dreams of late so I'm deffo missing the male attention.
We haven't either I gave OH so relief once lol I've promised him 2nd trimester and I will give it a go! Lol! He is beimg really understanding about it
Thank you everyone. I feel somewhat normal now. Although my OH has been so supportive and understanding about it all.
Same boat hun although last week or so I have seriously been craving some! OH joked when we got the BFP that we wouldn't have any for 9 months! Were both a bit scared of doing some damage I think and when I hear about other girls bleeding after it just freaks me out a bit! I think once I've had the scan and I no all is well it'll be back to business as usual! Xx
Ninja! Know what your saying about the dreams I wake up so mornings really dissapointed it's all a dream! Xx
ALSO probably related but since being PG I'm definitely more of a letch. Or is it just me being a tart?
My hubby and me have only had full sex about 3 times since I got pregnant, it doesn't feel too comfy when I do it and it makes me a bit sore to be honest so we do other things with each now to be intimate rather than full sex if you know what I mean :oops:
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My accupuncturist told me not to untill after the 12 weeks mark. Which is today, lol!

I would rather play it safe, hubby is totally understanding, in fact I think it is a relief after all the sex on demand whilst we were trying to concieve
OH and I have only done it 3 or 4 times seince getting my BFP xx I just dont feel lke it any more xx :( x x
Nothing whatsoever since we found out, I've been having awful cramps to start with, followed by all day nausea :( It's really the last thing on my agenda.
I'm 35 weeks tommo and we have probably done the deed maybe 6 or 7 times over those weeks. It's been for a variety of reasons ranging from no mojo ( that disappeared a long time ago!!) to worrying about if it will cause a mc or cause bleeding! Now it's a practical issue the bumps totally in the way! So no your not alone xx
Ur not alone hun... didnt do it from when I ov'd (as DH was working late a few fays after) until last weekend when I was just over 12 weeks. We hadnt mentioned it, think it was a mutual scaredness, but DH did say he was starting to really crave so we gave it a go!
Took it very slowly and gently. Didnt have any bleeding after but it was a tad uncomfortable during, but bearable!
Was so nice to have sex and not think about getting pg ... and no sticking my legs in the air after!
Like some of the others, I hav been having lots of vivid dreams about it lately!

Hubby delighted in telling me that his book said that in tri 2, womens sex drive increases ;-)
We still have a few times, i didn't know it was a risk :\ We did all the all the way till i was due with J, and he came out fine! although i really CBA lately TBH, but we DTD around 3/4 times a week with J! except he said he doesn't want to one i have a bump this time because he knows what comes out and doesn't want to poke him! lol xx
Not having sex as regular but still :bd: 2/3 times a week (At least once a day was the norm before) ;)

I haven't really found it uncomfortable and I've had no bleeding at all! To be honest I'm actually finding it's more pleasurable, especially foreplay..tmi..? lol!

I did however lose my libido straight after my BFP for about a week or two, but I think that was down to stress and worry more than anything.

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