Don't know if she still feels the same about me :(

May 19, 2006
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Hi there

I'm so confused and upset at the moment.

My fiancee is 10 weeks pregnant, we havent been together very long, about 6 months.

All has been fine between us untill about 3 weeks or so ago, she started getting severe morning sickness throughout the day and feeling tired all day long, she is also getting dizzy spells now.

We havent had a proper kiss or cuddle for 3 weeks or so now, she's snappy with me and seems to be looking for arguments constantly.

Anyway, she's been staying at her mums when im working because she's scared of being on her own and she has a dog to look after....yesterday she came here and i could tell how unhappy she was, i offered to take her back to her mums even though im not working till Sunday, she said she wanted to but didnt want it to ruin our relationship.

She says she feels frightened about the things that are happening and wants to be around her mum because its more of a comfort (they are very close). Anyway she says she still loves me and gave me a kiss on the lips yesterday when i left and a cuddle.

I dunno what to do, im in the house alone all the time and i dont know if its just her hormones or her being so ill with the pregnancy or whether she doesnt feel the same for me anymore or what :(.

Its driving me crazy, I love her with all my heart and am dying for a bit of affection from her :(. felt like crying past couple days.

Thanks, sorry for the essay.
Sounds like her hormones. She is bound to be feeling shitty just now and im sure a kiss and cuddle are the last things on her mind. Could you stay at her mums with her?
This phase hopefully doesnt last too much longer, maybe another month or so then she should feel better.
awwwwww i`m soooo sorry

all i can say is when i was pregnant i was very much the same as your partner is being....... i don`t know what to suggest!!!

just want u to know i`m here if u wanna chat!

at a guess i would say hormones and the just the fact of being pg with a baby who is gonna need everything from you 2. is causing your gf to be so distant from you. its a life changing experience and until your little one arrives you don`t relise its a good change.

have u tried speaking to her about how u feel????

sorry i`m not much help to u xx
Hiya,thanks for the replies. i am in southampton 2 btw.

Yeah i've tried talking, she says its just because she's feeling so crappy.

She says she wants to be with her mum but she also wants to be with me. She says she still loves me and is still talking about getting a morgage on a house together etc.

Right now I don't know what to do, at first i got annoyed with her for not wanting to be with me, so she came home, i could see she wasnt happy so i've told her she can stay at her mums as long as she wants. She texted me saying thankyou and she wont forget how kind to her i've been and that she loves me millions.

I dont know anyone in southampton or have any friends or family here, we moved here so we could be together as it was close to her mums house and her work. so now im left feeling unwanted and got noone near me.
got tears in my eyes right now, cant stand the thought of losing her. shouldnt of been so stupid and should been careful, way too early in relationship.
thanks for that budge, really made me feel loads better :).

wish u all the best in life, u deserve it. :)
I felt or feel very much the same as ur partner. Sometimes everything my boyfriend does seems to get on my nerves, he does alot for me and I hope I do show him, but I know im a bitch sometimes. When we first found out I was pregnant I was happy but worried about everything. It felt easier going through things on my own, i didnt want to talk to my partner about anything, i didnt want him near me really. But it is passing slowly, we used to see each other everyday, but now we see each other every couple of days... which ive found helps alot! we keep in touch everyday tho.

My boyfriend says to say 'my girlfriend was a pain in the butt, but it does slowly pass, just keep talking to ur girlfriend and give her space when she wants and needs it. Dont bug her though and keep asking questions about the relationship, because im sure that she loves you and wants to be with you. This is new for both of your, so just hang in there and be there for her which im sure you are doing anyway.'

(check my OH trying to be all worldly wise lol)

Hope we've help hun xxx
Thanks a lot violet and ur fella :)

Am just giving her space right now and letting her know that I love her and the baby with all my heart and they mean the world to me :).

Going over to watch a dvd tonight, i brought her a winnie the pooh baby book where we can keep pictures and scans and all kinds of details in. and i also got her a mothecare catalogue that she can look through (thanks for the idea budge ;)).

will let u know how things go. she says she still feels the same for me but just wants her mum coz she's so ill.

Awwww that's a brilliant idea taking her the baby book etc, hoping she'll love it cos I would have eaten my partner up if he did that :D Women like to know they are thought about and when they get pregnant they love to know their partner is as excited as they are!

Just bare with her hun, she's probably got so many worries going through head at the moment! It's a huge deal for both of you but it's her body that's going through it all and hormones can be a horrible thing! I think I was the opposite to your girlfriend and became really clingy which is just as bad really, my husband was driven mental because I needed him near me ALL the time.

She'll come round I'm sure! :)
Thanks for the replies all.

went round and watched a dvd together, i was sick in the toilet think i had a slight stomach bug, i went home early but we had a nice cuddle in bed together and told her i missed her and loved her, she said she loved me 2 etc.

Her and her mum both really liked the baby book.

She is still at her mums while im working but said she is going to come home for the weekend as im not working. also im going to see her on friday and bring another dvd to watch together. have to see how things go.

feel a bit like she only wants to stay together because of the baby but i dunno for sure.


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