Woe is me! *Warning - moaning hormonal Prego inside!*


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
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I thought that I was feeling a bit better yesterday in terms of the tiredness but its back and the nausea and dizziness are doing my head in!!

After having a massive go at my hubby yesterday about not finishing the skirting in the house he has spent all day doing it today (even though he has to go to work at 10pm tonight). I feel like a moo bag so have tried to make it up to him by walking the dog for an hour and sorting out a mini roast for dinner (which I do hope I can eat!)

I feel like a hypocrite for having a go at hubby for not working on the house when some days lately I have done nothing but let the dog in the garden for a pee.

On top of this I now seem to be quite constipated and have a lot of cramping and although my tummy feels mainly flabby, I feel like I'm developing a big bump that is making me really uncomfortable (I know is just bloating and constipation but I look a lot further gone than I am!)

I know how lucky I am and can't wait to meet this little bundle that is making me work so hard now but I just feel like if I'm not asleep, I feel rubbish and I'm really struggling being so out of control with my body (Ive suffered with IBS, chronic sinusitis and migraines all my life and also had depression for as long as I could remember so I always do what I can to keep everything balanced but its tough when things are happening for different reasons)

I know it will all be worth it, just need to get through it - been off work for 2 weeks now so think if im off next week im gonna have to try to get some routine back in my life and build up my stamina before i try to go back! Sigh!
sorry u feel down we hae all felt like this at some point ! dont b 2 hard on yourself ..how many weeks r u x
I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow so really only 3 - 5 weeks left feeling like this hopefully! I know it will pass and some days are better than others (but then i panic if i don't feel sick! Typical!)!
ah i had really bad sickness til about 12 -13 weeks i used 2 panic when i felt ok just try n relax hugs
Big hugs hun! The tiredness has really got me down at times too, but I've felt much better this week (12w) so there Is light at the end of the tunnel in just a couple of weeks for you hun! I think we have all been there with shouting at OH and then feeling guilty too!

You just need a rant sometimes to get it all out don't you hun, Tri 1 is a scary place and its all a bit overwhelming sometimes isn't it. I hope you start to feel better very soon xxx
Completely normal to have days like these. Your body is going through a massive change hormonally so you're competing with symptom after symptom!

Your OH will understand (I think mine deserves a medal for putting up with my nonsense, sometimes!).

Have a warm bath and relax. Also, for the constipation, try fybogel (tastes horrid but apparently works!).

:hugs: xxx
Aw :hug: I know exactly how you feel I had a day like this a few weeks ago. It is the tiredness that gets to me. I feel bad lying around whilst dh is doing all the housework!

Hoefully you'll feel better soon and it will be worth it in the end!

I've been a right moody cow tonight cos I'm so tired!!

This sounds like my average day right now! I'm so pleased I'm not the only one. Don't have a minute where I don't feel sick, tired, dizzy, moody, or all 4!! Luckily my OH is a saint, though I'm only 6+6 so goodness knows if he'll go the distance to magic tri 2!

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