very personal, sorry!

Good :D

I hope you can get some 'together' time & talk it over. Alway's helps x x
Layla, when he is looking at you, are all the lights on full blast? lol, it just made me think - my OH doesn't like doing it in the dark, but I can't stand doing it with full lights on ..... there has to be really low lighting on (I think our lamps are 2 x 10w or something) and then we're both happy :D
layla said:
maybe im really spoilt! i just want the faireytail ending for everything :(


all women do :D haha we want it to be perfect and romantic but dont want to have to explain how. and if it has the cheek of being less than perfect we just think 'this is crap' and dont try to explain what we like etc. we are complicated and want mind readers. men are simple creatures and dont think at the time haha. multitasking is hard y'kno :lol:
layla said:
and they make nice soft lighting in the room, plus there is the tv light :?


get that tv out of there!!! turn it off completely i think!
Well he needs to get that flippin TV light off for a start :evil:

The baby light sounds fine, if Jase can turn the TV off for a few minutes you might just have the perfect setting! :D
yeah, the baby lights are great, really soft and romantic.

Im strange ith ink, i need to be made to feel specail before i can do anything, i cant just have sex, it needs to be more to me.

I did the whole sex thing when i was in my teens lol, sont want it again ow

unless im really really drunk, lol, but that doesnt happen very often anymore!

Aww im sorry your feeling so down about it.

I have severe issues with my body, i always did, but i have realised , my DF has seen my body ALL of it, and surely if he didnt like it he wouldnt initiate the things he does :lol: only way i can say that.

I think if he was watching the tv, i would have done the same as you, but as for looking at you, i used to hate this, until once i looked straight into his eyes, and it was amazing to be that close to someone, try it and see if you like it :wink:

But hunni if you dont feel comfortable dont do it.

Hope your cuggles are nice tonight :dance:
I have seroiusly had enough now, he has still been in a funny mood since he got home from work.

we just had it out and he says i have been ignoreing him, which i havent, after the way he woke me up this morning i assumed he still had the arse ache.

he just shouted at me after i asked him a qquestion so i asked what was wrong with him, he then asked what was wrong with me blah blah.

I said i didnt like being pushed last night, he has never laid a finger on me before so it shocked me, then he said he didnt like being turned on then me turning my back on him, WHY DID I DO THAT, COZ HE WAS WATCHING TV!!

after i told him that and said he was acting like a kid he proved me right, said stuff like, h yeah coz your so stunning arnt you, your so great and im not allowed to be in your presance..........WTF??!!!

I cant take it anymore, im down enough as it is without him getting at me for childish things, i went through all this with my ex hubby and im not doing it again. I just feel like going out and never coming back right now, dont really want to be here.

TTC is off, there is no way im going to have another baby if we are fighting, i want another babymore than anything, but i also want him or her to be brough in to a loveing relationship, not this.

(((Layla))), hun I hope you get it sorted. Fighting is no fun and I agree with you about the TCC but am sure you will sort it. You know we are here for you xxx
Oh Layla :(

Men can be worse than they TELL us we are! My OH gets like that, it's really pathetic but it's killing you. Try not to show it I usually tell my OH to take his paddy else where & come back to me when he's got over himself!

Get the kids to bed & TELL him to sit down, shut up & not to interupt you or speak until you say you have finished & tell him how you feel without stopping. Thats what I do & he usually walks off thinks about it & comes to be later in the evening.

Thinking of you x
Noway are you over-reacting! he wouldnt like it if you were reading a book while he was doing the deed, or you were chating about the weather. Your OH needs a slap. He should be giving you his full attention during and afterwards. (hugs) men can be such arses sometimes, it alright for them to do it , but not us.

ha ha ha lol lol lol im soooo going to do that next time, half way through i will lean over and grab a book then start to read! :D

see how he likes it

thats the way give him a taste of his own medicine...

childish I know but he is a man after all, and ive
found this is the only way to get through to males.

lol id love to see his face when u pull out a book hehe...

wishing u luck xxx
i went out eariler and not long got back,

he is in bed, so angry with him that i dont want to be in the same room as him so i went up and got my pillows, going to sleep down here on the sofa tonight.

awww hun. Men can be so annoying at times.

Just let things cool down, im sure everything will be alrite :)

I think I would go very childish at this point and go into the bedroom and turn the telly on.
When OH wakes up ill say 'it shouldnt bother u it being on, after all u enjoy watching it soooo much' lol

Tho I wouldnt advise doing that :? lol
You sound more mature than I am, I think leaving it tonight would probably be best.


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