Please help me.....

scared 19

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
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I am still quite new at this but i am really in need of some help, i keep having this feeling that i am not actually pregnant, i have done three test all very positive (very dark lines), but i lost a baby 4 months ago and i guess i am just still scared, the one thing that scares me the most is that thing were it says your pregnant but it is just an empty sac, i dont no the technical term does anybody no what this is and had experiences with it? is there anything that is different to that and actually being pregnant?? signs to look out for?? i no i am probably just worrying but i love this baby so much already and couldnt handle losing it too, i have had some really good advice about other things from you wonderful ladies and was just hoping that you maybe able to help me with this. i have to wait till i am 12 weeks before i can have my scan it feels like a life time away and i no that alot of you are probably feeling the same i was 8 weeks last time and i am just so desperate to get past this 3 month period, sometimes i feel pregnant and sometimes i dont but i have learnt from being on her that that is normal isnt it?? i have been feeling sick quite alot of the time at different times not just mornings, things taste different to they used too, i am peeing atleast 2 times in an hour sometimes more, 3 times in the night last night i was up tinkling!! :oops: :? it may just be resurance i need but i find it hard as you can only ask your parents the same thing a couple of times before they start to get annoyed :lol: we havent really told anyone else yet because of last time i had people coming up to me months after it happened and still asking me how i was and if everything was ok it was so embarrising telling them for them and for me, :oops: sorry if i had boredyou but if you read this and feel the same then atleast you will get an answer too....
i have had my first doctors appointment and have the midwife on the 15th so i will probably raise this issue with her then.... i just feel silly.....


Kind wishes and thoughts sent your way for a happy and succesful pregnancy


Liann and Sweetpea


Ps .. thankx for reading this and sorry if i bored you...
hi, i have lost a pregnancy in the past, and this time i went through all the way to 19 weeks with out any pregnancy feelings or symptons. so its quite easy to have no feeling of being pregnant early on, if you are really worried, you should ring your midwife she would probably see you earlier as stressing over things are not good for your pregnancy. hope this helps settle your mind, and congrats on your baby

That does help i will have to have a word with her you see last time i had no idea about my dates i had even forgot wen i last had a period (stupid i no but it was over xmas we had been moving house and i was working really hard so i hadnt been thinking of myself) i had to go for a dating scan straight away and they told me that i was only six weeks they baby was there butnothing was said about a heart beat, they told me to go back in 2 weeks cuz there could of been 2 in there but really it was just because there was no heart beat! why she lied i do not no!! (kind of glad as it was my birthday ignorance is bliss sometimes) my scan was booked in for the monday 2 weeks later and on the friday just before i started to bleed couldnt have a scan straight away there was no one to do it so had to wait till the sunday and that was only cuz i bagered them into doing it they wante to wait till monday but i couldnt i had to know, the woman was so nasty to me she scanned my tummy and told me "well theres nothing there!" as cold as that i couldnt understand it i had no pain and very little blood so when i called up the hospital they told me i should be fine but to wait for the scan it just goes to show how different everyone is doesnt it! i suppose bcuz i had such an early scan last time it is annoying me even more that i cant this time i just want to enjoy this but i have to get past these 3 months first, sorry to moan but i am sure some people can get on my wavelength,

Thanx for replying so quickly and good luck with your pregnancy

Liann and Sweetpea

well speaking from various experiences of the NHS, i cant stant them, they are very cold when it comes to alot of things, (even though im a student nurse lol but im never working for the NHS)

you have been through alot in your past pregnancy, no one can blame you for being scared or worried about this one. just take each day as it comes, time does fly by at the start of a pregnancy. and fingers crossed you'll be passed the 3 month mark in no time at all, but then you'll be wishing you were only 6 weeks again, coz im suffering terrible back ache and indegestion lol

another bad word against the NHS, as they are training me, i have a period of 5 weeks in which i have to give birth and recover and be back at uni or they will suspend me off the course for a year. ive already been suspended a year because of dyslexia. i just thank my partner for being so supportive, as he is willing to give up work etc and will be a home daddy.

fingers crossed we will all have successful pregnancies, so good luck to you and all the rest of the ladies that use this site.

love elaine and alana

That is so out of order i cant belive they will make you do that just shows you what :evil: people they are!! look after yourself babe and i am here if you want to talk xx

Liann and Sweetpea

thanks so much hun

i will get through it, at the end of the day my baby will come first, so its their fault and they will loose a good nurse. but fingers crossed it all goes to plan lol

good luck to you as well

thanks for being so kind

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