people touching my tum


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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im getting a bit annoyed with a few people rubbing my tummy when i see them at school one is an old friend who i know would be very hurt if i told her not to but why just because im preggers do they want to do this !? its not like i have a massive bump yet either
Oh I know! At 13 weeks I had a work colleague come up to me (while I was facing the other way speaking to someone) come up and start feeling my tummy, and actually pressing in too!! I asked her what she was doing and told her to stop feeling my flab!! It's really quite intrusive, I'm not the sort of person to make a lot of physical contact with people so that was just weird. You need to get one of those t shirts saying "hands off the bump"!!
This time around I dont really mind people I know giving the bump a gentle pat but when I was pregnant last time a total stranger came up to me in the chemist and rubbed both her hands all over my bump - I was in shock for about 20 minutes, I felt violated. This time if any stranger touched my bump Im going to push their hands off and touch their tummy.
iv never had anyone do this lol not even my family, except my daughter she just randomly lifts my top and tells ppl i got a baby in my tummy lol. x
I hate hate hate people thinking they have the right to touch my bump! No one bothered to touch my flat tummy! It's really intrusive and rude! x x
I hated this when pg with my little boy and my mil and fil were always doing it and I felt really uncomfortable. This time I'm going to say that I really don't enjoy being touched like that and would they mind not. I used to dread going round there cos I would be groped for the whole time xx
Why do people feel the need to do this ? , lmao , even people i don't know come have had a wee feel, i am now armed with my hands off the bump t-shirt, we will see !

Actually think its strange but funny , all the bump rubbing !
ive found that men in my family do it the most, no women at all. i spose 2 mlen its weird for them and women have already experienced it so i spose they arnt as interested. my step dad loves rubbing my belly which i dont mind as i want him 2 feel like a proper grandad.
But i have defo had more men having a feel than women.

a women at work always rubs it everyday shouting "hello baby!!! its auntie cheryl!!" its so embarassing and annoying i hate it!
lols i cant believe after writing this went to my mates and her 3 yr old wobbled my belly [it rather flabby] shouted hello baby then lifted my skirt and said she wanted to see it proper made me laugh
The kids in my class keep hugging me and pressing their heads up against my tummy- it's so sweet and I don't mind that. I will on the other hand get a bit stroppy if any adults try to touch it without asking!
I hate it when people do that to me I get so embarrassed I can only just stand my mom doing it so I completely understand xx
I must say - i've not really had many people bother to touch mine. They know i'd go mental probably! lol x
I don't mind people that I know well touching if they ask but I think i would be really upset if it was a complete stranger
I find it quite annoying when my sis decides to put her cold hands on my belly to wake little man up cos she knwos it makes him move alot when hes resting grr :mad:.
Although ive had few people come up to me when im in town touching my bump. i wouldnt mind but i get so agitated and i also think to myself they didnt touch my belly before so bugger off lol.
if someone asked me rather than just touching me then i poss wouldnt mind but no ones asked me so i get agitated. If little man was kicking and i wanted someone to feel the kick then i would say so but other than that its like ffs lolx
On the flip side, I used to get annoyed with all those pregnant ladies that used to permantly have one or both of their hands superglued to there belly or rubbing or smoothing it over. Used to drive me mad.
I had the first person touch my bump today, it was a freind and we were in church. She put her hand on my tum to gage my reaction i think and then said a prayer with her hand resting on it. When she left i couldn't help but feel over whelmed and had a few tears.
I don't think people mean any offence most people are just pleased for you, but i can definately see why some are offended especially when its strangers. Me i just love the attention!
On the flip side, I used to get annoyed with all those pregnant ladies that used to permantly have one or both of their hands superglued to there belly or rubbing or smoothing it over. Used to drive me mad.

Haha!! Know what you mean!

No-one really touches my bump, just my mother which really annoys me.

I wouldn't dare put my hands on someones bump without asking if it's ok first, it's just rude not too!
i had to tell a friend of ours the other day to stop doing it, she looked incredibly hurt like it was the most natural thing in the world for her to come up and rub my bump. i'm not a very tactile person, i very much like my personal space but even so, to not even ask first is just rude in my opinion.
friends that have been touching my bump i really dont mind, but today a girl i dont know that well and to be honest, im not sure i like her , went up to me and rubbed my tummy over and over again saying it would bring her good luck. I just looked at her couldnt belive wot she just done. I never thought i react like that but i really hated her hands on my bump! If it happends again i will seriously push her away from me.

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