Last time I started off with a water birth but had to get out after 3 hours contracting in the pool then 2 hours of pushing as baby got stuck! (Nothing to do with the water he was just a big chunky monkey haha). He ended up being born by ventouse with me In those awful stirrups, strapped to a monitor and drip on a bed, , which wasn't how I had wanted things to end up BUT by that point I didn't really care any more just wanted him out!
I found the water amazing pain relief while I was in there, I didn't even have gas and air all the 5 hour's I was in the pool, just the water on its own was enough (I am a massive wimp so believe me I would have had the gas if I felt I needed it, but I just found the water so good! ) Even though my birth ended up quite medical with intervention, I still feel overall it was a positive experience as I felt calm and in control for the majority of it.
I would love a water birth again this time, not sure if I will be allowed though as may be getting induced if this baby is big too. To be honest I don't have a clue what I will do if I'm not allowed water, because I have a fear of needles and drugs and not being in control, so I don't like the idea of epidural or pethidine! I think I would just have to try it with gas and air, but I've heard induction is a lot more painful so I might end up begging for an epidural yet needle or no needle! I think I'm just going to have to go with the flow and take each hour as it comes while I'm actually in labour and see what I can cope with at the time.
It's definitely good to have a rough plan and idea of how you would like things to be, and to read up on all your different options and all the pros and cons, just be aware that things don't always go to plan and may change xxx