Pain relief/water births - what are you having?

Gosh You guys really know what you want! I'd love a water birth I think but not home birth just incase :)
I wanted a water birth last time and this time, but both times it's been ruled out (severe anaemia first time, twins this time). Laboured naturally with no pain relief last time, once was enough for me. I'll be taking whatever they'll give me this time if I avoid a section. It wasn't too painful last time but it wasn't really the most pleasant of experiences, I know I can do it so I've decided to give myself a break this time!
I was induced last time and had a quick, butadsivrly intense and painful labour. Only had paracetamol as there was no time for much else. Had the pethadine injection but it didn't kick in until after she was born! Am pinning all my hopes this time on not being induced and therefore having a more naturally progressive labour. Would love a water birth, gas and air this time would be fab, but would also happily have pethadine again, although this would mean coming out of pool. Would love to avoid an epidural but if I feel I need one at the time I am totally fine with that! As someone else said, start at the bottom and work up depending on how you are coping. Xx
Last time I started off with a water birth but had to get out after 3 hours contracting in the pool then 2 hours of pushing as baby got stuck! (Nothing to do with the water he was just a big chunky monkey haha). He ended up being born by ventouse with me In those awful stirrups, strapped to a monitor and drip on a bed, , which wasn't how I had wanted things to end up BUT by that point I didn't really care any more just wanted him out!

I found the water amazing pain relief while I was in there, I didn't even have gas and air all the 5 hour's I was in the pool, just the water on its own was enough (I am a massive wimp so believe me I would have had the gas if I felt I needed it, but I just found the water so good! ) Even though my birth ended up quite medical with intervention, I still feel overall it was a positive experience as I felt calm and in control for the majority of it.

I would love a water birth again this time, not sure if I will be allowed though as may be getting induced if this baby is big too. To be honest I don't have a clue what I will do if I'm not allowed water, because I have a fear of needles and drugs and not being in control, so I don't like the idea of epidural or pethidine! I think I would just have to try it with gas and air, but I've heard induction is a lot more painful so I might end up begging for an epidural yet needle or no needle! I think I'm just going to have to go with the flow and take each hour as it comes while I'm actually in labour and see what I can cope with at the time.

It's definitely good to have a rough plan and idea of how you would like things to be, and to read up on all your different options and all the pros and cons, just be aware that things don't always go to plan and may change xxx
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Sorry to jump over but its interesting to read as I want a water birth too as I cant see how pushing laying down is natural?? My sister had a water birth & only took paracetamol she said the G&A made her feel drunk & didn't like it plus the warm water helped take the edge of the contractions.

Looking forward to reading the water birth stories once your babies are born..

One thing though is do you wear a bikini top or a nighty in the water? Dont want something floating around in the way & also want skin to skin when they pull him up.

Also weird & maybe stupid question but my boy needs cord bloods taken at birth can they do this if he is born into a pool or would it have to be in a bed???????

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I think I'm right in saying just bikini top? But I guess it's up to you perhaps?
Can't believe how many people like/want water births! It's really swaying it for me now as I so badly don't want an epidural. Sounds like it's the best option for a natural birth as poss xxx
Sorry to jump over but its interesting to read as I want a water birth too as I cant see how pushing laying down is natural?? My sister had a water birth & only took paracetamol she said the G&A made her feel drunk & didn't like it plus the warm water helped take the edge of the contractions.

Looking forward to reading the water birth stories once your babies are born..

One thing though is do you wear a bikini top or a nighty in the water? Dont want something floating around in the way & also want skin to skin when they pull him up.

Also weird & maybe stupid question but my boy needs cord bloods taken at birth can they do this if he is born into a pool or would it have to be in a bed???????


I used a long vest top last time. Suppose you can wear what you like.

Maybe ask your midwife about the cord blood. When I had my daughter they wouldn't cut her cord until it had stopped pulsating in the pool. Then once it had, she was passed to my husband. I had to get out of the pool and sit on a commode like chair and deliver my placenta. Usually if you have a baby outside water they give you an injection to remove the placenta xx
I think I need to ask all these questions..

Do we get to see the delivery rooms before we pick what we want??

Yh you do. I'm going to visit my local hospital tomorrow. They have a normal delivery ward/suite which is mainly consultant led on the top floor..but they only have 2 pools on the whole ward.
On the second floor they have a birthing centre which is midwife led but has a pool in every room. Your husband/partner can stay over night. It's like a little flat contained into one room. I hope everything continues to be ok, so I can go to the birthing centre xx
I believe so emma
Our hospital does a tour last Saturday of every month x
Oooooo I didn't know this as possible, another thing to ask my midwife next week. X x x x
I would have loved a water birth with my 3rd but my consultant was adamant I was far too fat (size 18) to be able to get myself out of the pool in an emergency lol?? My first 2 labours consisted of pethadine (I didn't like the effect this had on me), gas and air, an epidural and lying on my back for hours. My last labour I was active and walking around. It was far quicker and less painful than my others. I had him in a kneeling position with only gas and air and the second stage was over after only 2 pushes. I think people should go with the flow and do what you feel is best for them. Good luck with your labour x
I'm HOPING very little pain relief. I was induced with DD and the midwifes didn't check to see if I was dilated as they couldnt pick up contractions on the heart monitor so went with paracetamol until 8&1/2cm. The gas and air for the final push, although it made me sick so not much of it.
I had a dry labour with her too with no waters, so now I'm in the mind set that it is mind over matter, because they kept telling me I wasn't anywhere near close or even dilated at all for that matter I kept presuming the pain wasn't labour then had to do a mad dash to labour ward with OH and mum almost missing it :wall:
My point here is , because I kept getting told I wasn't in labour I pushed the pain to the back of mind and thought I was maybe being dramatic but was able to cope with out any pain relief, so fingers crossed I can do the same! But I absolutely really do not want an epidural !!
I want gas & air at first but once it gets unbearable, I plan on getting an epidural. I would happily go through it all without feeling a single thing despite being a bit scared about the back pain lots of women suffer from afterwards.... Definitely dont take after my mother who had 8 natural no pain relief child births lol.

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