Ovulation with PCOS

I dont know if they are unreliable for everyone. I just dont personally seem to get anywhere with them at all. i ordered some clearblue ones earlier on so i'll use them and if i get nowhere with them im gonna stop poas and just wait for my hospital appointment!

I'm 24 so as my doctor said still young and better to be diagnosed now then 10-15 years down the line!! im just baffled on how to work out if ive ov'd and when!! x
Hi Vicky i'm gonna have a look at the low gi diet tonight with the oh. he said he'll do it with me. I'm willing to do anything that can help!!How long were your cycles before you went on clomid hun? xxx
I dont follow it totally but I have cut out white potatoes and wite bread.

My cycles were all over the place still are even on the clomid .. they have ranged from 37 days to 120 days!!

The good news is that since being on clomid the opk's seem to be detecting my surge which helps, plus I also have blood tests and follicle tracking scans.
have you ovulated since being on clomid then? i'm not sure what they are putting me on to be honest. the doc just said tablets but they could also do some more test before they start me on tablets. not sure what those tests will be as ive already had internal scans and ultrasounds done and all my bloods!! hmm!!
Its possible that they may get your tubes checked first before starting you on clomid, they may also give you metformin to take with the clomid depending on your BMI.

My bloods and scans showed no ovulation on my first two goes on clomid but I did get positive opk's so its possible that they missed it.

But this cycle I had my scan just after ovulation so she could see where the egg was released, get my blood results tomorrow to confirm if I did ovulate .... AF is due this Friday!!
ooo good luck then hun i'll leep my fingers crossed for you!! xxx

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