Ovulation Tests

x Helen x

Sep 14, 2011
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Hello, newbie here!

I have been using (UK) Boots ovulation tests but every time I test I seem to get the same reading. The control line is always dark (obviously) and the test line is always slightly lighter. This seems to be the same result every time I test, regardless of when ovulation is due to occur.

I don't drink a lot of fluids (barely any to be honest) and was wondering if this could be having an effect on the test results?

I have no idea how to read into it, as the instructions say that the line must be the same or darker than the control line, yet I just seem to get the same reading constantly.

I am feeling quite pregnant this month, although only approx only 5dpo so it's too early to tell definitively. Just feel different this month to any other. Fingers crossed!

Fx that u are preggers helen :) :)

I've been using the boots ones too and am yet to get positive result, either no line or faint line, and I'm on CD14 atm. Cudnt tell u if u not drinking much could affect the tests tho sorry.

Hope there aint nothing wrong with the boots ones now, feels like I've been waiting for a positive one for months lol
Hello and welcolme!

oh i hope the feeling is right and you are, you must keep us updated with my signs!

Have you tried using a different OPK to see if the result is different!

How long have you been using them?
It might be that u haven't OV'd yet. I got a fainter line than the test line every day last month until CD20, which is very late.
Keep testing, u might still get ur second line :)

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Thanks everyone for your advice.

I was doing a bit of reading on the internet yesterday and started to wonder if it could be PCOS as apparently this can give a constant "nearly positive" reading in the test line, so to put my mind at ease I took another test and this time there was no line at all. I assume that can only be good news.

Maybe I am not taking enough tests each month? I usually take around 6, and right from number 1-6 I get the same result - the slightly fainter than the control line result. I usually stop bothering with the tests once I get to about the sixth day as I just assume that either the tests aren't working properly or that the nearly positive might actually be a positive? I usually start testing at around day 10 or 11 after the first day of my period (calculated by the length of my average cycle).

If its not a BFP this month then perhaps I'll try a different brand and see how I get on. I have tried BBT charting and it was useless for me, my temp was all over the place so couldn't get an accurate reading, therefore it seems that the tests are my only hope!

The "pregnancy" symptoms seem to have subsided now which makes me wonder whether it might just have been my mind playing tricks on me :( but it's still early days so fingers crossed x
How do you know that you are 5dpo if you haven't got a positive on opk yet? xx
Sorry, should have been more clear! I should really have said days past estimated ovulation. At the moment I am just calculating my approx day of ovulation by counting the length of my cycle and then counting the days in from the first day of my period. Not very accurate, I know, but it's the best I can come up with at the moment! x
Bless you, i was getting all confused then...
No ovulation pains then? My opks have had a faint second line on and off since day 6 and i'm now on day 20 xx this is all to confusing for me!!
No ovulation pains for me :(

It is confusing isn't it?! I thought it would be quite simple and straightforward but no!

I have been keeping an eye on my CM which I find is helping, I think I know what to look for now. Problem is, even when my CM seems the right consistency for ovulation I am still not getting a clear positive result on the opk.

Hope you get a positive soon hun :)
Fingers crossed for a BFP for you xx
I'm beginning to think that i have missed it but i will keep testing, i have been tesing for 5 days about 2 - 3 times just incase!! But back to work tomoro so i will be back to testing once a day!! Good Luck to you x

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