Ovulation or not??


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2008
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Hi! i bought those really cheap ovulation tests from ebay (babymad) which were really quick to get delivered. I started testing on day 11 and got a negative for 2 days. Then on day 13 i got a line slightly lighter than the control line. Didnt know what to think as first time i use them so started ttc that day until day 17 which was yesterday. I have a 30 days cycle so i thought i would ovulate on day 16. My tests got fainter on day 14 and 15 and then yesterday i got a dark line almost as dark as the control line! i lined all my tests together to have a look at them and discovered they are not the same!! they are the same size but the arrows that mark the limit for the urine are not on the same line! and the control lines on these are paler than the other ones!! i got really sucpicious and don't know if i should trust them at all! i put a picture for you to have a look. The test on the left is the one i took yesterday and it's the darkest. However, the 3 tests in the middle are different, the control line is lighter and the test line is almost the same colour! I had egg white cervical mucus between day 13 and day 16 but nothing on day 17. so which test should i believe? Thanks for your help.

I have no idea my lovely but didn't want to read and run.

Good luck!
Thats a hard one to answer hun. I'm using the same tests but haven't kept them, just test and throw away. I dont ever dip to the line anyway, always go 3/4 up, dont know why, just do. :? It says in my info, that if the line is light, then you dont class that as the surge, it has to be closer to the test line colour, but like you said, you had no egg white then, so I'm a little confussed too. Have you tried charting your temps as well, so then you have 2 bits of info to go by!
I'm going to keep my tests for a few days and see what mine do. I'll PM you when I've got a few x
hmm, it's a tough one, they all look positive to me bar the one on the far right :?

Sorry that's not very helpful. The one on the far left looks the most positive though.
Donna's here said:
Thats a hard one to answer hun. I'm using the same tests but haven't kept them, just test and throw away. I dont ever dip to the line anyway, always go 3/4 up, dont know why, just do. :? It says in my info, that if the line is light, then you dont class that as the surge, it has to be closer to the test line colour, but like you said, you had no egg white then, so I'm a little confussed too. Have you tried charting your temps as well, so then you have 2 bits of info to go by!
I'm going to keep my tests for a few days and see what mine do. I'll PM you when I've got a few x

Thanks for replying! yes i read mine too and they say the line should be as dark as the control line! which means the 3 tests in the middle and the last one on the left are positive! i just got a little suspicious about the quality of these tests because the tests in the middle look different, the control line is much lighter than the others...but never mind, it doesn't matter which one is positive, providing i have ovulated last week! :pray:
Lorna said:
hmm, it's a tough one, they all look positive to me bar the one on the far right :?

Sorry that's not very helpful. The one on the far left looks the most positive though.

Thanks Lorna! no that's actually great news if they all look positive to you as we have ttcd during all those days :lol:

I just took another one today and it's negative so fingers crossed i have ovulated last week!!!
wilinsons recalled theirs off teh shelves due to faults, so its possible they are faulty but no one would make a seller on ebay recall theirs.
They do look like different brands. i dont know, I would temp instead.
The only one that looks as dark as the control line to me is the one on the far left. I think how they make them is make a big strip and cut it into small ones so the different placings of the lines are prob just from different strips. My control lines vary in darkness too. I think it may react with the strength of your pee as well so that if your pee is really diluted it will be lighter. Remember that the surge is after you have ovulated so you prob did ov when you had the egg white cm and then it picked up the hcg surge when you 'dried up'....

I use the same ones as you (15 ultra sensitive) but am also a little confused as I have had 3 +ves this cycle. Don't let that put you off though as my cycle is very very irregular.... I think my body is trying to ovulate but hasn't yet. (Am currently on cd 480 or something). Good luck
I thought the surge was before you ovulated? :?
Sorry you are right! The opk is expected to be positive the day before you ovulate according to FF. I am going bonkers!!!
Thanks girls for your replies. It's reassuring to know i am not the only confused one about the ebay tests. As you said JPS, i won't let that put me off. I still think i have ovulated between day 14 and 17 so fingers crossed our timing of bding has worked this time :pray:

Good luck to you all :hug:
I just bought 50 of them from baby mad....hope they work!!
Hi Waterlilie, I too bought 30 of those strips from babymad off the ebay site this month and am confused as well!!! I had also bought a pack of 5 opk's from Boots earlier in the month and since i had one left i used it yesterday alongside the opk's from babymad that arrived two days ago. I was on CD 15 yesterday, which is when i expected to OV. The one from Boots showed a line that was nearly as dark as the control panel, but not enough, and the babymad strip showed nearly no line at all. I also had very little EWCM, but today nothing!!!
How frustrating!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I def think the only positive strip is the one on the far left. I'll keep you posted over the next couple of days to let you know if my strips end up working as well.

Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Waterlilie, I too bought 30 of those strips from babymad off the ebay site this month and am confused as well!!! I had also bought a pack of 5 opk's from Boots earlier in the month and since i had one left i used it yesterday alongside the opk's from babymad that arrived two days ago. I was on CD 15 yesterday, which is when i expected to OV. The one from Boots showed a line that was nearly as dark as the control panel, but not enough, and the babymad strip showed nearly no line at all. I also had very little EWCM, but today nothing!!!
How frustrating!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I def think the only positive strip is the one on the far left. I'll keep you posted over the next couple of days to let you know if my strips end up working as well.

Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
HI waterlilie, i was going to try and upload some pics but my camera phone wont pick up the lines on the tests very clearly. From the tests i have done, yesterday CD16 was the strip with most colour on it. It wasnt as dark as the control line but some of it was. On CD15 and today, the strip has gone back to barely visible. I am not entirely sure if that means I have ovulated but i'll keep testing the rest of the month. I think i'll buy some more boots one next month to compare them against. I'm gonna have to go by yesterdays test strip, but i'm still not 100% positve if i have ovulated, or if the strips just arnt very good quality!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Hi curlywurly, thanks for coming back to me on this! Well from what you describe, it looks like you have ovulated yesterday or are about to ovulate...fingers crossed it had worked, just keep bding. I think these tests do work but are not extra sensitive as the clearblue or Boots brand. Their only advantage is the cheap price!

I hope you will get your BFP this month and won't have to buy any next month to compare :pray: :hug:
Thanks waterlilie!!! I think we BD the right time, have to wait and see!! Good luck!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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