Hi there
This prob sounds like a very stupid question, but i have been using ovulation tests this month (ebay cheapies), and i am getting pinky second lines, today is cd18. I did have some cm a few days ago, but the ovulation test was a visible line but not as dark as the control line. I thought maybe i had ovulated then but due to drinking loads of water, the test could have been diluted.
However, i carried on testing to make sure, and i am still getting pink second lines, slightly darker yesterday and today, does this mean i havent ovulated? I am wondering really if after ovulation, you would normally continue to get pink second lines or if they would disappear altogether after ovulation, Sorry this is so long winded!!! thanks everyone, louise
This prob sounds like a very stupid question, but i have been using ovulation tests this month (ebay cheapies), and i am getting pinky second lines, today is cd18. I did have some cm a few days ago, but the ovulation test was a visible line but not as dark as the control line. I thought maybe i had ovulated then but due to drinking loads of water, the test could have been diluted.
However, i carried on testing to make sure, and i am still getting pink second lines, slightly darker yesterday and today, does this mean i havent ovulated? I am wondering really if after ovulation, you would normally continue to get pink second lines or if they would disappear altogether after ovulation, Sorry this is so long winded!!! thanks everyone, louise