*****Overdue Chat*****

Hubby's got me this, it's not right is it? Said it was the only thing in Asda hehe bless him


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It's not, you need actual raspberry leaf tea, the one I have is twinings but I think I saw a clipper one in tesco x
Thanks MrsB didn't think it was the right one, he tries haha where did you get that one from? X
You can check the ingredients but I presume that one is artificial flavouring Ellie! This is the one I have from Clipper Teas. I got ours from Tesco!

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Yeah, it's green tea with flavouring, it's nice though haha

Kind of avoiding going anywhere cos of the size of me and everyone just stares like they've never seen a pregnant lady before!!
I'd send hubby out again, after all, he was the one who got the wrong one ;) ha!
Be careful on how much you drink though. Pretty sure Green Tea should be taken in moderation during pregnancy because of it's potency. I had to stop drinking Green Tea and Matcha when I found out I was pregnant!
Haha bless him, he'd probably get it wrong again hehe I've only had the one, so won't touch anymore!

Might ask the in laws as they always order from Tesco x
Got the tea but then read if you over dose on it, it can cause painful contractions that will cause distress to baby and that its advised not to drink it if you have a family history of breast cancer (which my mum had)!! Great haha!!

I'm fed up now, I'm not a perfect mother already and everything is not all hunky dory!! I want to tell anyone who asks if baby is here yet to **** off, I can't sleep, I've woken up with a headache, I'm in pain walking everywhere and hubby just rubs my back and tells me to stop crying each time I have a crying fit, which is not what I need! Sorry about the rant but tell me someone has felt this rubbish going overdue? I don't want to ever get pregnant ever again! Just didn't think it would be this difficult (the whole thing has, not just going overdue) I feel awful feeling this way but I still love my baby as its not its fault, I just feel like a rubbish person and mummy already :-(

Sorry about the rant, just don't have many people to talk to as most of them just say 'not long now'
Where did you read that Ellie? As everything I've read, including the NHS, says it can help in labour and with contractions, as it helps strengthen muscles used in labour? The reason I am drinking it is to soften the cervix, which most accounts seem to point towards it doing!

I'm majorly fed up too - way too uncomfortable today. I'm just counting down the hours until Sunday, God help our hospital if I call at 8am and they said we can't go in!

I'm sure OH is just trying to support you, it must be difficult for our OH's to see us go over and struggling but not being able to do anything. Try to relax and enjoy these last couple of days before baby arrives. Although it's important not to keep things in and bottle up how you're feeling, getting upset and crying will put you in a stressful situation and won't be good for you or baby, try and do things which make you happy and get that oxytocin flowing!

You're not a rubbish mum! It's bloody rubbish going overdue and so frustrating, it's normal to feel the way you're feeling xo

Hubby is trying to support and is doing everything he can to be supportive he just can't cope with me crying haha
I have a few days where I'm like 'yeah, I can do this, I can cope!' Then I'll have a down day, have a cry then I'm better again. Just had a bad nights sleep too so was in a grump this morning! Sorry haha

You seem to be coping so well SAHF xx
Haha I am coping less well in real life! I am so sore, so uncomfortable, I am really struggling with my oedema and I haven't slept properly in a few nights. I think I'm still in 'I'm pregnant' mode opposed to 'where's my baby' though, I don't think it'll sink in until I'm actually holding baby!
Only 2 more days for you and I'm sure they'll be busy, straightening things out!

I know what you mean about the sleep though, didn't want to come to bed cos of how badly I do sleep :-(

Eeek it's so exciting to think in 72hrs you could be holding your baby :cheer::love:
Hopefully! I'm really hoping that whatever they try, whether breaking waters or pessary, works quickly. I'd hate to be in there 3 days before something happened! Or worse, end up with a c-section! Going to try keep active again tomorrow to keep baby going into the right position, done a lot of sitting down the past couple of days.

I've tried catching up on sleep with naps but I can't even get comfortable when napping. This baby definitely need to come out now haha!
Well get as much rest on sat as you'll be doing lots of walking on Sunday to get baby moving! Hope they've got a ball for you to bounce on too, give that a go hehe x
Oh I plan to :) I'm going to go through my hospital bags tonight, it was so long ago that I packed them that I have no idea what's in them and I'll need to pack another in case I'm in there for several days!
I've been convincing hubby that they won't send me home until I've had baby on Tuesday, they won't right? They're not going to put a pessary in and send me home? I'm not convinced myself now! It's 45mins away from home so going back and forth is a not want we want to do! Also does hubby get to stay with me? I don't want to send him home then him miss baby being born x
As far as I am aware once we start being induced, we are there until our babies arrive! But, they will send our OH's home if it comes to night time and nothing is happening, as they will move us to wards opposed to delivery suites, and OH's/birthing partners aren't allowed to stay overnight on the wards! My OH is refusing to leave the hospital grounds, he's said he's going to sit in the main maternity reception by the front doors where everyone waits for taxi's! We live 30 minutes away in a car and neither of us drive.
That's also why I am re-packing and re-organising our hospital bags. As inductions can take up to 3 days, we're going to need a lot more stuff for us than before! I'm adding in more clothes, bigger wash/shampoo/etc products (previously just had samples), some stuff to keep me occupied like books, a notepad and pen, etc etc!

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