*****Overdue Chat*****

No baby just lots of tears, even made my mum cry :-/ pulled myself together now and going to keep myself busy with little things around the house from tomorrow. Going to take Lola (the dog) for a walk tomorrow if it's not too slippy with the snow! And I've got hobbies that I start and never finish to do hahaha
Hope you're ok SAHF. We will hold our babies soon and will be sharing the photos of them on here, being proud as punch parents! Xx
I've been close to tears today, but I'm trying not to get stressed because what Mrs B said about oxytocin has stuck in my head, trying my hardest to keep positive and upbeat!

Definitely spent the day feeling fed up though. I never even thought about going overdue. Now it feels like a ticking time bomb to a labour I don't want, i.e. being induced!
Started a new thread in labour and birth about positive induced labour as mine will be next Monday if my midwife can get me in (the hospital wouldn't even answer the phone to them on Wednesday).

Well my idea of going for a walk has gone out of the window, nice layer of snow out there which Lola does love to play in! (Also I trip over my own two feet at the best of times haha)

Hubby got me a fresh pineapple yesterday, need to chomp on the core don't I?

What is everyone up to today?
Sorry to jump back in again but I duno how u ladies are coping, I'm only 37+3 (number 2) and I'm literally losing my mind! I feel exactly like I did around my due date with my son and I went 9 days over with him.... Only this time I'm not even at 40 weeks yet
That deleted half my post! Grrr! I went on to say I'm hoping for a vaginal birth this time after a emcs so I need to be left alone (no sweeps/induction) but I could have 4.5 weeks left! Duno how il do it!
Yup it's chomping on the core that's meant to help in softening the cervix! Plus eating the pineapple itself.

I wanted to go for a walk today, see if it would help, but I am not risking slipping on the ice!

Good idea on the positive induced stories thread, I nearly did the same last night!

Mrs B, why would you avoid a sweep? Curious as to what difference it would make to having a VBAC?
Just basically because any form of intervention, which a sweep is, increases the liklihood of needing induction (because it's encouraging your body to do something it's not ready for) and due to rupture risk they don't Usually let vbac ladies have a proper induction, il get to have the pessary and the gel and that's it, if that doesn't work is section time n I reallllllly don't want that again!
I didn't know that at all. I thought sweeps were normal. I want to avoid an induction, now wondering whether I should have my planned 2nd sweep on Wednesday!
I didn't know that at all. I thought sweeps were normal. I want to avoid an induction, now wondering whether I should have my planned 2nd sweep on Wednesday!

A mw can only perform a sweep if your body is ready for labour, if u are not ready for labour they wont be able to do it. I was booked in for induction at 39 weeks and had 2 failed sweeps the week before - mw could not reach my cervix so simply couldnt do it. A sweep wont increase your possibility of induction cos it will either work and start things off (so no induction required) or it wont work x
I didn't know that at all. I thought sweeps were normal. I want to avoid an induction, now wondering whether I should have my planned 2nd sweep on Wednesday!

A mw can only perform a sweep if your body is ready for labour, if u are not ready for labour they wont be able to do it. I was booked in for induction at 39 weeks and had 2 failed sweeps the week before - mw could not reach my cervix so simply couldnt do it. A sweep wont increase your possibility of induction cos it will either work and start things off (so no induction required) or it wont work x

That's reassuring, I got in a panic then! Midwife definitely managed to give me a sweep, felt babies head, told me how dilated I was etc etc and I had my plug come away after. Unfortunately it didn't bring on labour but hopefully it'll either happen naturally or by Wednesday's sweep!
I didn't know that at all. I thought sweeps were normal. I want to avoid an induction, now wondering whether I should have my planned 2nd sweep on Wednesday!

A mw can only perform a sweep if your body is ready for labour, if u are not ready for labour they wont be able to do it. I was booked in for induction at 39 weeks and had 2 failed sweeps the week before - mw could not reach my cervix so simply couldnt do it. A sweep wont increase your possibility of induction cos it will either work and start things off (so no induction required) or it wont work x

Actually that's not quite true - it might lead your body to start labour however because you didn't go into spontaneous labour there is always the possibility labour won't progress and therefore they will then start to look at other interventions on top of the sweep.
So today involved approx. 1.5-2 hours walking AND I've finally found some Raspberry Leaf Tea. I'm upping my game girls!! haha :)
Hope the raspberry tea is nice, I haven't got the guts to try it! I've just eat 1/2 a pineapple and it's made my mouth sore haha this pain when I lie down is no fun! Oh well only a week to go x
It's actually really nice. It's like a Raspberry version of Ribena but not as sweet!
I love ribena, one of the few things I can drink lots of and not feel sick!

Does anyone else really struggle to open their legs when lying on their side? It's so painful trying to put a pillow between them that I have to put the pillow between my legs before I get into bed :-(
Tbh I'm struggling to spread my legs much at all recently since baby got engaged. Midwife at my sweep was like 'open wider' and I was like 'erm, I can't!' haha!
Haha I'm fine the other times, I can't even cross my legs, but it's like there's a clamp on my knees when I lie down, holding them together! Oh it's such a glamorous time becoming a mum haha
I had really loose stools last night but think that was just because I ate too much nachos n jalapeños lol !!
Haha oh hello that made me giggle!

Can't wait to be able to sleep and not wake up in pain :-(
I give in, hubby is getting me raspberry tea on his way home, been doing house work today and will also have the rest of my pineapple.
Also have a HUGE spot in the middle of my forehead, if that doesn't send me into labour so I have awful first baby photos, I don't know what will hahaha

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