Over 7 months and still can't sit unaided.

P.S. alice - done ots of work and research on tongue tie. surprisingly common to not be diagnosed :roll: PM me if you want info xxx
tongue tied is when under the tongue the flap of skin that is attached to the tongue and bottom of the mouth(hope ive explained that right) is too far forward so is attached to near the end of the tongue instead of just the back god i hope ive not confused you more :(

toonlass does he have much muscle tone? its really hard to explain why i thought my ds wasnt developing along the normal lines i just had this feeling and you must be pushy with them dont let them fob you off as i did and regretted not putting my foot down and demading test
chances are that he just is a typical boy but better to be safe than sorry :)

my ds is coming along nicely now he is medicated for ADHD during the day he can concentrate in school better and is starting to learn the alphabet ect nursery stuff really but even though he is nearly 9 its a massive achievement for him and he finally did a poo on the toilet a proper poo :) gives me hope that we can finally get him out of nappies i could go on forever about is toileting issue but will spare you the details lol i can see light at the end of the tunnel :)
Thanks girls!
I'm so pleased things seem to be on the up midnight :)
How would I check for muscle tone? He just looks like a chubby baby lol do I need to feel anywhere? Xx
its more just how floppy/stiff his whole body is. youll find a baby with low muscle tone is harder to carryaround with 1 arm. they will have been later holding their head up/grasping things etc...
is he floppy the dr tested him but he was 9 months at the time by pulling him up into the sitting position by his wrist but as soon as the dr stopped giving him his support he just lolled forward onto his belly from the sitting positition didnt even try to hold himself in any position but he did tend to go forward rather than to the side my ds was a chubby proper chubby he looked like the michelin man lol he held his head fine though! its really hard to explain it eventually he sat then crawled and we used to have to stand him in a frame so his hips would form properly
Hmmmm he's quite strong really. Like when he flings himself backwards (every 2 bloody minutes) and when change his nappy he tried to roll over and I struggle to keep him flat. So I guess his muscles must be alright? Xx
yeah see my ds couldnt do that he was pretty much like a young baby and even when holding him he needed support
sounds good to me toon. low tone doesnt always go with dyspraxia. :flower:
Don' worry toon, he will get there in his own time. All my three were the floppest babies ever! They could not sit unaided till at least 10 months! I had to use the galt ring/nest thing all the time. So I'm always amazed when you see people with babies sitting or holding head up early! I saw PF's little Livy (Meeah's baby) in a shopping trolley earlier today on facebook, she was looking very cute, and at just 5 months age!! wow, but mine babies would have been nose down on the metal bar at the same age! Run it by you health visitor for peace of mind anyway tho. Two of mine were walking from 12 months, so it doesn;t always follow for other stages.
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Thanks chick. I rang the HV and she said he sounds like everything else in on track so not to worry. He kinda crawled a little bit yesterday :shock: well, more like a caterpillar crawl but he can get from one end of the room to the other so that's good xx
Thanks chick. I rang the HV and she said he sounds like everything else in on track so not to worry. He kinda crawled a little bit yesterday :shock: well, more like a caterpillar crawl but he can get from one end of the room to the other so that's good xx

thats really good then im sure he just cant be bothered to do it yet and wants to keep you waiting :) but if he is able to get around i doubt anything is wrong x
:yay: good to hear hes crawling or at least getting from A to B, once hes realised he can get around he wont stop :flower:

They really know how to worry us dont they!
I read your comments from 11/2010 about Lucas and my great grandson seems to be exactly the same as your Lucas was then...he refuses to sit unaided and stiffens and throws himself backward, yet is starting to motivate in a kind of "military crawl". He rolls around the floor and canget to what he wants. He sleeps very little (maybe a total of 6 or 7 hours in a 24 hour period) and wakes up repeatedly at night. He is my granddaughter's 1st so he gets a lot of attention (you thought maybe your preoccupation with an older child was part of Lucas' problem) but this is not the case with our Jacob, so I doubt it was with Lucas either. Our Jacob is a bit behind developmentally but not a lot in all other things. How is your Lucas now??? Are we worrying for nothing? I would love to know how your situation turned out. Thanks!
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Hello :wave:

Lucas is nearly 18 months now and is fully on track. He is walking, talking, feeding himself and interacting well. He still wakes in the night about 2out of 7 nights a week but he is getting a lot better.

He did have me very worried when he was younger but he just seemed to turn into a little man over night!

I guess if your daughter is worried it would be best to contact her health visitor as I did. I don't think your worrying over nothing, these are our babies (grandchildren) any worry we have is normal. :hug:

Please let us know how jacob gets on xx
Just as a way of balancing things out or getting an idea of others - my youngest - Devon only sat unaided from 8 mths , he is now nearly 9 mths old and still has to have all the sofa cushions all round him in a circle as he will topple or flop back onto his head! He can roll over onto tummy (but not back again- needs rescuing!) but chooses mostly not too, lays or sits only if I pop him into sitting position. He has just started trying to correct himself a bit , so that's good. He is not crawling or comando shuffling at all, he hates being on tummy and tends to lay his head down. I'm not worried as for my kids he is right on target, they all waited till 8 mths to sit and 10 mths to crawl, then my others walked at 12mths, 13 mths and 16 mths - he will do it in his own time.

Do run it by your HV but try not to worry, each child is different and has a different set up around them, numbers of kids, their own want to do things , etc For example my first boy could only say 3 words at the age of 2 years 9 mths , and was on referal from HV for it, but his fine motor skills and hand eye coordination was apparently outstanding right from his 9 mth check, so yayy for him.
thanks to you both Toonlass and JJ Mum. I shared your responses with my granddaughter and we both feel better. so glad I found your site. I'll post again on Jacob's progress. Cheers!
Hi there, I was just wondering how your labour was , did you have any difficulties? I really don't want to worry you at all but as the others say, you could talk things over with health vistor or doctor. If you had a hard labour and want to get back to me, feel free as I had difficult labour and there were consequences for my daughter. Best wishes x

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