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Tristan not sitting unaided properly yet


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Tristan is 10 month old now an he can combat crawl but he doesnt seem to sit unaided proerly yet hes still wobbly as the health visitor pointed out. He stands ok like hes got alot of strength in his legs an sometimes gettin him to sit with me can be a pain tryin to put his legs down with me on me knees an him sitting infront of me to support him so HV sed if by 11 month old he still not sittin unaided without being wobbly then they'll poss go into further something i forgot the rest what she sed as tristan was screamin in me ear then :roll:.

So anyways he will sit for a few seconds an then slope to the side but he wont stay longer or move his hands to put the balance right.
Just wondering if anyone else is havin this prob or is it just me lol ? ? lol.
ive got to try once a day to see if he will sit unaided without being wobbly an then see health visitor again grr lol. x
Oh an himself is more like a 6 month old with him not being able to sit unaided when wobbly instead of a 10 month. makes me feel good not supid health visitors!! x
I'm not sure :( but thought I'd bump it for someone else to see xxx try not to worry xx

my d.s was like this but since he has got diagnosed with global delay so is registered disabled now dont panic and think this must be what tristan has please my ds had no core strength at all he couldnt hold himself in a crawling position or a standing and when put in a seating position he would fall forward and just couldnt hold himself at all he was basically like a newborn on he could control his head.

when he goes to fall to the side do you catch him to correct him or allow him to fall to the side?
is he rolling over?
when you say he has leg strength can he stand if you hold his hands or do you support him round the trunk of his body?
Wasn't he really premature? That might have something to do with it Hun. X

oh was he prem then yes this can make a big difference to when he will reach his milestones
my d.s was like this but since he has got diagnosed with global delay so is registered disabled now dont panic and think this must be what tristan has please my ds had no core strength at all he couldnt hold himself in a crawling position or a standing and when put in a seating position he would fall forward and just couldnt hold himself at all he was basically like a newborn on he could control his head.

when he goes to fall to the side do you catch him to correct him or allow him to fall to the side?
is he rolling over?
when you say he has leg strength can he stand if you hold his hands or do you support him round the trunk of his body?

hi there yeah he was 6 weeks premmie.
he can stand ok with me holdin his hands but when we sit him down he would prefer to stand rather than sit he will slope backwards after a second or he will go foward an slide on the floor an then get himself into position on his belly on the floor. He rolls over all the time hun. an we also more hold him on trunk of his tummy when lettin him stand. Some times i let him fall abit so that hes not scared when he goes to the floor when fallin side ways he'll sit more only for like 5 seconds then wobble to the side or fall straight on to belly position. i used to catch him but realised i shud be lettin him tryin to figure out on his own even puttin a toy there dont seem to help that much.
I don't know if this helps t all hun, but my lo sounds similar. Hes 8.5 months. Can sit unaided but for VERY short periods of time an we have to be right there. He has basically no leg strength, and crawls the same way ur lo does, tho has started to get on his knees the last week or so. Doesn't move, just gets on his knees then drops to his tummy for combat crawling.
I wouldn't worry too muc hun. See what happens in the next month. As even only about 6 weeks ago he could roll and that was it. Lteraly couldn't sit at all, coulnt crawl at all etc. Still concerned about his legs, but I guess it will just come in time?
Do what the hv suggested, if they look into it, that doesn't mean anything is wrong, but it Could put ur mind at rest? Xx
if he can stand with you holding just his hands he has core strength otherwise he would just flop if you get me i seriously wouldnt worry at all
Sorry to distract, but is it bad if they can't stand holding ur hands midnight? X
no not bad my son was just so floppy his specialist tested him by laying him down and holding his hands and pulling him into a seated position and he checked to see if he helped at all and he didnt he let the dr just pull him up without helping if you get what i mean then he just went straight over onto his belly he couldnt hold himself at all like his muscles wouldnt work this check would of been done about 10-11 months I knew myself at about 6 months that he wasn't normal but the HV just said he is a boy and a bit lazy he wasnt interested in reaching out for toys ect he didnt walk until he was 3 and that was after alot of physio sessions.
Yeah that makes sense. Its funny how things are written off for dif reasons. Boys are slow. all the dif things written off as teething etc x
Yeah that makes sense. Its funny how things are written off for dif reasons. Boys are slow. all the dif things written off as teething etc x

its annoying my other ds started walking around his 1st birthday where my 1st dd was 15 months before she walked so its not a boy thing its just some kids develope at different rates i just knew that my ds wasnt a normal baby
Yeah, like I heard the first child is normally a bit slower because later kids copy them. Def not in our case! Slightly concerned about my sons development, but just going to keep an eye because he is starting to catch up a bit!
It must have been hard to have ur son diagnosed. Is he doing better since being diagnosed? Like does he get much help? X
yeah he is doing fab he is 9 now he has been diagnosed with global delay basically everything on him is delayed he is the same height as my 7 years old he also has A.D.H.D which he is medicated for during school hours and since doing that he is doing alot better at school starting to learn his alphabet and how to write his name ect we have to go back for another assesment at the end of this school year for autism they cant rule it out yet until he has been on medication for adhd for a certain time to see if his autism symptons are caused by his other problems he is still incontinent down to him not being able to control his bowl yet but we are slowly getting there he gets all the help he needs medically but we refused resbite so far because whilst he is at school he comes home has tea plays and is in bed for 6 each night so we really only get proper time with him school holidays or weekend plus it just feels like id be sending him away iykwim
Try not to panic. Every baby develops at a different rate. My 1 year-old can't crawl but he's almost walking! Try not to pay too much attention of development charts, all they do is freak you out! x
To add to bwakelings, the charts def can be really off!
And midnight, I understand what u mean. And u sound strong. Please don't take this in the wrong way, but u should b v proud of urself x
I don't know if this helps t all hun, but my lo sounds similar. Hes 8.5 months. Can sit unaided but for VERY short periods of time an we have to be right there. He has basically no leg strength, and crawls the same way ur lo does, tho has started to get on his knees the last week or so. Doesn't move, just gets on his knees then drops to his tummy for combat crawling.
I wouldn't worry too muc hun. See what happens in the next month. As even only about 6 weeks ago he could roll and that was it. Lteraly couldn't sit at all, coulnt crawl at all etc. Still concerned about his legs, but I guess it will just come in time?
Do what the hv suggested, if they look into it, that doesn't mean anything is wrong, but it Could put ur mind at rest? Xx

When Tristan stands he just likes to dance or more like bop but he can stand when i hold his body but his are not wobbly standing up i tried today puttin him between my legs an basically sitting with him an he will sit for like 5 seconds an play with his toys sittin up and then he will slide round over me leg an then end up being on his belly spinnin around.
Ive got to practise for 4 weeks an if he hasnt sat properly or is still wobbly then i think they'll end up mentioning about physio or something. Im not sure why they said hes more like a 6 month old an they know he was a premmie an still i dont think it makes much differance on the bit where hes got to sit straight. He still cant sit properly in the high chair cos he will slope down :( anyone else have the same problem? so i sit him in the bouncer at the mo to feed him. I really wana try him on snacks in the afternoon but he wont sit straight an the bumbo seat dont work cos he wants to stretch his legs an goes backwards in it. Im not sure how physio will work for him if he doesnt like sitting down :( lol x
There not bothered bout his chart bit his weight seems fine all i can tell what might be up with the leg part that hes got chunkey thighs lol x
have u tried putting him on his tummy every day? a my lo hated it so i never did it but she wasnt rolling or holding her head up very well so i started putting her on her tummy every day little by little she got used to it and she has started rolling and holds her head great and can sit for about 10 secs unaided when she isnt tired x

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