Tristan not sitting unaided properly yet

He loves bein on his tummy all the time he can combat crawl an his head is stable its just the sitting position which i dont understand it lol. :) x
strange he might just not like it lol he'll get up and walk and you'll be like omg
OMG that just made me rage hearing your HV say he was 'lazy' :strangle: I hear this so often and I just dont get it, kids are born ambitious, they WANT to develop, they want to explore, try new things, if they dont its cos they cant yet. Can you imagine trying to learn to tightrope walk falling off and being told youre lazy :mervsmum:

sorry Ill stop ranting SM2B it sounds more like a balance issue than strength IMHO. Swings and spinning in circles are good for their balance, so maybe that would help? Like the others said, if he can do the other things his muscle clearly work so its not a major concern. Your HV would probably refer him to a physio for proper assessment if shes still worried about it next time. Hope it goes well x
I don't know if this helps t all hun, but my lo sounds similar. Hes 8.5 months. Can sit unaided but for VERY short periods of time an we have to be right there. He has basically no leg strength, and crawls the same way ur lo does, tho has started to get on his knees the last week or so. Doesn't move, just gets on his knees then drops to his tummy for combat crawling.
I wouldn't worry too muc hun. See what happens in the next month. As even only about 6 weeks ago he could roll and that was it. Lteraly couldn't sit at all, coulnt crawl at all etc. Still concerned about his legs, but I guess it will just come in time?
Do what the hv suggested, if they look into it, that doesn't mean anything is wrong, but it Could put ur mind at rest? Xx

When Tristan stands he just likes to dance or more like bop but he can stand when i hold his body but his are not wobbly standing up i tried today puttin him between my legs an basically sitting with him an he will sit for like 5 seconds an play with his toys sittin up and then he will slide round over me leg an then end up being on his belly spinnin around.
Ive got to practise for 4 weeks an if he hasnt sat properly or is still wobbly then i think they'll end up mentioning about physio or something. Im not sure why they said hes more like a 6 month old an they know he was a premmie an still i dont think it makes much differance on the bit where hes got to sit straight. He still cant sit properly in the high chair cos he will slope down :( anyone else have the same problem? so i sit him in the bouncer at the mo to feed him. I really wana try him on snacks in the afternoon but he wont sit straight an the bumbo seat dont work cos he wants to stretch his legs an goes backwards in it. Im not sure how physio will work for him if he doesnt like sitting down :( lol x

Does he have any problems with weaning? or taking more lumpy foods? If he does youre better off putting him in the high chair and putting rolled towels either side of him to hold him stable upright. Until theyve got core stability sitting its hard for them to develop the fine motor skills for coping with more lumpy food. :flower:
erm he wont take lumps properly he chokes alittle so i still have to mash it down an i still need to use the blender as if i mash it up with potatoe masher he will gag on the type of food with the masher where as if its proper mushy he will take it from the blender. he will take little tiny lumps from the rucks mushy.
But other than that im strugglin with lumpy food although he will sit there chomping on a wotsit!! lol x
I thought that would be the case. I do some of this work, (im still training though) definately mention the foods issue to your HV at the same time. I do the feeding assessments alongside the physio anyway cos problems with sitting are so interlinked. They can lend you a type of highchair with straps to help him sit straight until he gains strength/balance. The physio would give you activities to bring him on and the feeding specialist would assess him to see how you can reduce the chances of his choking at the same time as buiding his skills (but they'll probably come on naturally as he learns to sit better) PM me if you want to know anything or just want to talk about it. :flower:
I did mention his eating to the healthvisitor i said he wont take much to lumps in his food an that i still have to use the blender but she never mentioned it being interlinked although she mentioned more pysio. They never mentioned a high chair. Im thinking its more his balance by thinking bout it but people av said that balance is more to do with ears but he aint got anything wrong with his ears is this also interlinked?
thanks hun x
balance is controlled deep inside the ear. doesnt mean theres anything wrong with his ears though, he mightve just not developed the skill yet. Definately do stuff like spinning him round in circles, rocking chairs, swings... that should help his balance develop, my little sister had these problems but she couldnt even lie on her tummy. My mum made me sit on a rocking chair all through my pregnancy to try and develop LOs balance :roll: Not sure if it worked or not, he cant crawl yet :lol:

His feeding is DEFINATELY linked to his sitting. See if you can find a way to wedge him into the highchair with towels so he cant fall sideways, thats basically all the chair is.
Wow tiny. That seems to kind of make sense to me too. Cian slouches to the side in the high chair.. And still choked. But now uv said that, that could be why maybe?
His bottom half seems ok sitting, it's about half way up he seems to slouch? Any other suggestions ? Lol sorry u just seem to be this little fountain of knowledge . Wish u worked for my bloody hv! X
:lol: its cos Im training in it, Im mostly working with children with disabilities to help them with feeding but we get the odd under 1 who's just a bit late sitting and just needs some strategies to help with weaning.

The number 1 thing to work on is always positioning, once the child is 'stable' sitting (even if thats achieved by straps and wedges etc..) its almost miraculous watching them eat. Get a really supportive highchair, and yeah I know I keep saying it, but rolled up towel either side of their body to hold them central, you will honestly be amazed at the difference.
aww thanks leanne1b :)

i agree with the wedge thing i did this with all of mine if they couldnt support themselves

charts are a load of bull and make mums feel rubbish imo because all 4 of my kids have each developed and different rates
its like saying your baby should weigh 7lb 8oz at birth and anything out of this isnt normal so why should they be sitting by x month standing by x month ect

sm2b just keep practicing with him he will get there when HE is ready not when the HV says so :) :)
hey yeah i do keep trying he stands ok when i hold on to his tummy he likes to bounce abit cos he loves music lol.
Its just everytime i try an sit him in between my legs an put a toy there for him to try an play with an pull himself foward he will not really bother with the toy an turn over on to my leg so he wont stay up longer than a few seconds an he will land on his belly.
Im wondering if its because he was premmie baby so hes not that far foward as yet but will still grasp eventually an get the hang of it. I guess ill just wait with sitting him in his high chair at the mo i would rather him being able to sit properly instead of tryin to keep him up all the time in the high chair without making it uncomftable for him. x

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