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Over 7 months and still can't sit unaided.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Lucas has always flung himself about and arched his back from being newborn. But whenever I try to get him to sit unaided, he can for a few seconds but one he starts to topple, instead if trying to correct himself he just flings himself in the direction he was falling. I've even let him fully fall a few times to try and teach him that falling isn't pleasant and to correct his balance.

My other two were sitting well by now and starting to crawl. All Lucas does us roll around on the floor. Do you think there us something wring with him? Xx
every baby's different chick, i know babies that couldnt sit up til 10 months! and a friend of mine's little boy couldnt sit up til about 7/8 months and then all of a sudden, he decided he wanted to do everything and is now cruising and everything! if youre worried tho, ask your HV :hug:
I don't think I'd be so worried but you know that feeling in your heart of hearts where you think there is something not quite right? I have that with him. He cries and whines constantly and hardly sleeps. He doesn't eat properly and hardly smiles or laughs.

Sometimes I think I'm just paranoid tho so don't wanna bother the HV or docs xx
yea ikwym hun, i'm the same with ella, there's just "something" just ring your HV and have a chat hun xx
my sister is having to have tests on her baby since her daughter isn't putting on weight and stuff, Something I overheard my mum and her talking about was if they are floppy they might have something can't remember what :S But I'd go to the doctors if your really worried x
Well if you've got worries deep down maybe you should talk to a HV or a doc, bet they have assessments they can do to tell you if he's developing correctly and stuff, then at least you can know for sure. I don't think it's wasting anyones time at all. Better safe than sorry, and if he does need help then you know you caught it in time and have it solved! They will just say he's fine if he is, at least it will put your mind at rest. X
Thanks ladies, I'll ring my HV tomorrow. She's really nice so I don't know why I hate calling her lol xx
i hate calling mine too! and she's proper lovely! i'm worried about ella with her eating and drinking, cos she still cant drink without dribbling it everywhere and refuses to eat but i dont want to ring her lol! i think she's got tongue tie that has been missed for 12 months lol
Oh my god! Dunno what it is but it don't sound nice xx
i thought it was normal til i fed my friends newborn and she didnt dribble her milk! i get soaked every time she has a bottle!
my sisters daugther is tongue tied so is our brother so it runs in our family :s she dribbles alittle but not loads I just asumed it was normal for babies lol since I haven't had any children before x
I'd definately talk to hv if you're worried x I can't remember when babies are supposed to do things so I'm not much help x ikwym about 'knowing' or 'feeling' something isn't right but I'm not ready to admit it yet x hope they can help you chick x
If you are worried toon speak to HV but jack didn't dot until 9 month and I was very worried! He then decided to sit and crawl within 24 hours and stood himself up a week later :wall:
tongue tied is easily fixed nowadays :) my cousin had it and it was my mum that noticed it when she was child minding him he was 3 at the time

as for not sitting up id say go with your gut instinct my ds who is almost 9 was the same and i spoke to my HV loads of time and they always passed it off as lazy boy and every child is different blah blah blah but he stopped breathing at 9 months and on the 6 week follow up the dr noticed he had very low muscle tone (i was just grateful someone else was saying it and not just me) after endless test and physio sessions he eventually sat up then crawled the eventually walked when he was 3 but he is diagnosed with global delay and recently adhd also could possibly be on the autism spectrum i dont want to scare you or worry you but if something is wrong the sooner you get intervention the better hope he just a lazy baby xx
just thought id add my ds slept .......well like a baby, hardly cried, fed brilliant he was such an easy baby
dyspraxia is a condition that can cause muscle tone weekness and poor coordination these are th main symptoms but there are others so i woul gain some advice from your hv x
He he developing normally apart from this? I'm sure its nothing to worry about - let us know what hv says chick x
He seems to be developing ok i suppose although he seems to be behind the 'normal' in terms of when he started smiling, reaching for toys, rolling over etc He's only recently found his voice and started babbling. He is very much still a baby.

I often wonder if its because i had two children so close together. Jacob is still very young and has high demands and Lucas perhaps doesn't get as much attention as he could do with. I will deffinately ring the HV in the morning xx
i hate calling mine too! and she's proper lovely! i'm worried about ella with her eating and drinking, cos she still cant drink without dribbling it everywhere and refuses to eat but i dont want to ring her lol! i think she's got tongue tie that has been missed for 12 months lol

god she sounds just like dolly she dosnt and a dribbles all her dresses are stained were they have been wet all the time, HV came to see herbie when he was born and dolly top was really wet and she said oh you getting your back teeth dolly I said no shes had them for months and I told her about her eatting and everything so she has referred her to a speech therapist where she said they will look at her tongue. But dolly is alot older then ella 2 half and I just onlys thought she would grow out of it but how long do you wait thats why I thought now its time they had a look.
:hug: definately agree you should trust your instincts. I work with children with special needs and have heard time and time again parents saying they wished theyd spoken up sooner costhey knew there was something even though they found it hard to put into words. not saying lucas has special needs or anything, just that parents have brilliant instincts for their children

it could be nothing and he'll be off soon enough but the whole 'lazy' thing just doesnt wash with me. babies are born ambitious to develop, when they dont theres usually something needs to be changed for them x

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