Over 35 and ttc?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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Hi all,

dh and I met late(ish) in life - married 8 months ago now ttc #1.
I'm 37, and currently battling through the tortuous 2ww for the 6th time. (Yeah we knew we should crack on with it sharpish at our age! :))

I must say I wonder every day if things would be happening more quickly if I was younger... Anyone else in the same boat? Get in touch, would be good to share experiences and thoughts.
I'm not in the same boat but I'm 37 :yay:

What month are you? Am I younger than you? :rofl:
Hi love. I'm 29 but as a student I worked for one of Scotland's leading pram retailers and so have encountered many pregnant women. You are not alone, I noticed that there were a lot of first time mothers in their early forties. Hope your luck is in this month xxx
Hey Bead Im 37 (38 on Monday) Olllldddddd lol and tTC number two I have a daughter 16 on the 11th.....so will be interesting to go along this journey with some other more mature ladies lol!! Welcome and very good luck.....xxx
Hi Bead, I'm now in the pregnant club , but checking in on you ttc
I am 36 and will be 37 when baby is born#

Wishing you luck , hope this month is your month!
my mum was 37 when she had my wee bro.....i was 12......

i still thought she was still really young to have a kid and i was 12 and still thinking yuck they still "do it" but didnt think she was too old..
theres lots of women out there who have kids later on in life....i think if i hadnt had my son at 17 i probably wouldve went to uni and travelled a bit etc....then had kids...

if anything, i think youve done it the right way lol

good luck TTC xx
Hi Bead

I'm 21 and having difficulty TTC. I already have a DD and i got my :bfp: within a month of trying but it seems so hard now.

I don't think age should make much a difference but I don't have that experience.

Hope you get ur BFP soon xx
I'll be 38 in December - happy birthday for monday WilmaF! Fingers crossed we'll both get our BFP next week... Actually I reckon I'll know one way or the other very soon cos reading all your lovely mesages of support and encouragement has actually made me cry (and I'm normally a tough cookie!!) so hormones are currently raging for one reason or another!

Baby dust to you all ttc xx
Hi there,

We never really used any contraception from when we met at 22 until now and although we weren't 'trying', we didn't really want a baby then but knew that we would have welcomed a baby whenever it came. I'm 30 now and I was really concerned that we couldn't fall pregnant naturally because we hadn't been using contraception but we decided that from 1st Jan 2010 we would start properly trying and by charting temps and using opks and bd daily and giving up alcohol and caffiene, we were lucky enough pregnant first month properly trying.

I do feel like an 'old' first time mum because most people seem to have their first babies in their mid 20s. I think that as long as you are giving it as good a chance to work as possible, that's the main thing and fingers crossed it will happen. xx
Thanks Bead.....I certainly hope so....I thinks theres now a few of us testing in the next few days and especially next weekend so please god let it be our turn.....good luck everyone and lots of sprinkles to us all !

Glad your hormones are kicking in too Bead hopefully for all the right reasons lol xxx xxx

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