opinions on my birth plan


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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hey all,

iv'e just written out a rough draft of my birth plan. have gone by an example of headings etc the content is all mine though. sorry if it's boring would just like your opinion on whether you think it's too much or includes everything needed.

Birth companion

my boyfriend lee will be my birth partner and i wish for him to stay with me throughout my labour unless absolutely necessary that he leaves.
if for any reason i request him to be there i would like my father gary to be allowed to join myself and lee in the room at any time.
i do not wish to have anyone else in the room with me.

positions for birth & labour

i would like to be as mobile as i can be for as long as possible. although i understand this depends on how the labour is progressing.
being my 1st baby i am very open to suggestions on positions from my midwife to help me be more comfortable.

pain relief

i am hoping to give birth as naturally as possible. however i am not ruling out gas & air or pethadine.
i do however not wish to have an epidural unless required for an emergency c section.

birthing pool

if possible at the time of my labour i would very much like to use the birthing pool. i understand that it may not be avalible at the time and if this is the case i would like to refer back to positions in labour & birth above.
i wish to have the most relaxed labour possible and feel i will be more relaxed in the pool and wish to stay in there for aslong as possible. i am aware that it might not be conveiniant to stay in there for the actual birth of my baby.

monitoring baby's heart rate

i am happy for the midwife to choose the best method to monitor my baby's heart rate however i wish to be kept up to date with how the heart rate is.

assisted delivery

if i require an assisted delivery i would prefer ventouse. although i am happy to go with whatever is best for my baby and me.

delivery position

depending on whether the birthing pool is avalible at the time and whether i can be in the pool when at the stage of giving birth which would be my 1st choice.
if this isn't ideal i would like to be on the bed and would like the midwife and lee to help me into a position which is suitable and as comfortable as possible.

third stage (placenta)

i would like the injection to aid in the delivery of my placenta if possible.

feeding my baby

i would like to try and breastfeed my baby however if i am not successful i am happy to move onto bottle feeding. aslong as baby is getting what is needed i am happy.

unexpected situation

if there are any complications i wish to be informed of everything going on. if i am not able to make any decisions for any reason then please discuss these with my partner lee and my father.
if any complications with baby i wish to stay and care for him myself as much as i can.

When baby arrives

if all is ok with myself and baby i wish to have skin to skin asap.
my partner lee wishes to cut the cord if possible.
i wish baby to be kept with myself or lee at all times unless completely necessary.

all in all i wish to have as natural a birth as i possibly can however i am aware that nothing can be ruled out during labour and i am very much of the going with the flow attitude.

my main concern is the health of my baby and myself and although i have certain preferences i am very open minded and will do whatever necessary to achieve the best results for my baby and myself.

thank you very much for reading and hope that with your help i can have a relaxed and happy birth.
I think that's great hun, you've stated what you'd like to happen but have an open mind if things should change xx
bloody hell youre so organised! lol

The only thing ive put it that i want skin to skin straight away and i dont want any visitors untill ive had a shower etc obvs apart from my OH.

Im happy just to go with the flow though cos i have no idea what will happen! x
thats excellent hun. I only filled in the bits on mine that were relevant to me and my choices and left some blank x
That's great! I don't have a clue what to write lol
I wasn't even going to write one because you could fit my requests on a post it note!! Maybe i'll give it a go now! x
yours is great hun, i ant bothering with this one as im having a c-section, but tbh i didnt bother with my first either as birth is well unpredicable :/
I'm kind of thinking that it's quite wordy.

Maybe brief bullet points might make it easier to be referred to by a midwife under possibly rushed circumstances? :)

Birth companion
- Lee (boyfriend) at all times.
- Gary (father) if requested.
- No one else.
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Wow, I'm impressed. It's loads better than mine.

I also had to put in whether I wanted baby to get the Vitamin K shot and also whether I was happy for students to be present at the labour and birth.
I think the detail I'd great but you could make the wording more bullet pointy. Like louiseb said above xx
I had a go at one last night and put that I don't want to keep the placenta. Maybe write down your wishes for yours too hun x
I had a go at one last night and put that I don't want to keep the placenta. Maybe write down your wishes for yours too hun x

Eh? Keep the placenta? What's that all about?

I've never seen one or had any idea what to include in a birth plan but you've pretty much wrote mine out for me.... thank you :lol: Great minds think a like!! lol xxx
I had a go at one last night and put that I don't want to keep the placenta. Maybe write down your wishes for yours too hun x

Eh? Keep the placenta? What's that all about?

I've never seen one or had any idea what to include in a birth plan but you've pretty much wrote mine out for me.... thank you :lol: Great minds think a like!! lol xxx

For your partner to eat later on? its suppose to be very good for you. :shock:

Your birth plan is great, I might give it a go now after reading that. I never had one for my first.
For your partner to eat later on? its suppose to be very good for you. :shock:

Your birth plan is great, I might give it a go now after reading that. I never had one for my first.

:eh: hmmmmmmmm I know he eats loads and pretty much everything in sight but Bah!! :sick: I couldn't think of anything worse!
Yep, you can eat it, some people bury it, some people make art from it. Personally I hope they deliver it and take it away, they're not the most attractive things in the world but I guess they've kept our little ones alive! :) x
they ask if you want to see it, then normally take it straight away, they did with my first looks like a huge bit off liver to me :/
I can't add much more than what the other girls have said. Mine is very brief, I've just mentioned about the vit K and injection for the placenta. Have written my birthing partners name and thats it!

Its good that you've stated what you want but you've kept an open mind about it too! Better not to over plan it and then end up getting disappointed

I asked OH last night and he said he'd eat it........ I nearly vomitted in my mouth! All he said was it's supposed to be good for you and full of protein...... Bah! He's a body builder so all protein is good.......:shock::shock::shock:

I just pray he was taking the pee!!
So hold on.. do you have to write and give it to midwife... is it compulsory of course none of my GP or midwife discuss with me yet...
i was just given a form with a few boxes to tick (pain relief etc, vitamin K preference, cutting the cord, using the birthing pool) theres also a space for special requests or requirements. i want to use the birth centre.

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