OMFGGGG **cat people help?**


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
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A random cat just ran in my flat i cant get it out i think its hurt

it keeps walkin funny as if its going stright but its back legs are going to the side what the hell do i do?
ive made a vid i just gotta upload it its real freaky im scared 2 pick it up case it goes crazy n stuff :shock:
Oh no, it could of been hit by a car?? Ring RSPCA or something...has it got a collar on???
oh... weird..
my dad used to live on a farm and he used to get loads of stray cats in his house, we eneded up with like 7 cats haha..
but you wanna be careful make sure like it doesnt go near riley. cos you dont know if its cos anything..
but i hope its ok...

poorl little puddy
Rileys in her bedroom asleep but it isnt showing its in pain i went out 2 put the rubbish out n have a fag and it started meowing at me in such a loud manner n ran in so i rushed n put bin in n now its just sitting here lookin at me its a lovely lookin cat but no collar it seems so happy 2 be heer :shock:
lol my cat did that 7 years ago and its been here ever since!
youll have to put up a sign.. and see if anyone collects it.
if your gunna keep it in the house or whatever check it for fleas or whatever..
im worried about it i will get signs but i dont have money too!!

umm i could front line it or would that be dangerous?
I dotn have carpet LOL
well you got to make it safe for riley tbh so do what yo thin tyou neeed to i would frontline it.
and makesure its ok

is it skinny or anything?
aww its beautiful.. id keep it
uless someone like rang you or something if your putting up notices
yeh but i got my own cat she might not like it
although she spayed i dunno if this 1 is a boy or girl or anything
bloody hell
Becks i had two cats that were run over and they both walked like that afterwards. do you not have a free vet surgery near you?
omg i just rang up the rspca emergency help line described eveyrthing 2 them and they bloody sed chuck it back out and ignore it and it will go home but i feel so sorry 4 it :(
id let it out in the morning, you never know like it could be lost and cant fin its way home in the dark. my cats used to do that,
It looks well looked after & doesnt seem in pain so its probably got lost or its owners are out and it wants to come in the warm! I'd let it back out and see what happens, if it is lost then it will keep coming back to you im sure and then you can maybe put signs up.

Im only saying this cos I know my cats are cheeky and go in some of my neighbours houses lol. Keep us informed!
they do sometimes go in others houses lol, but even if you let it go back home he might still come back to visit you sometimes :)

Does seem to be slightly funny in his walking, if you decide to keep him you could get a vet to take a quick look at him :) (if he's a him :) )
Its a girl... I think funny little thing i've nick named it Oreo cos its black and white like yummy oreos umm i let it out last night cos thats whet the rspca advised
bout midnight this musta been

only at 6am it was meowing top of its voice outside my bedroom window
bloomin hell cheek of the little mite it came in for a bit but then it went on my sofa so i flicked it with the tea towel cos we cant be having that n it pelted out the window that i leave open when it comes in so it can go out again
i wonder what happens now lol

The loud meowing was SO loud i thought it was riley crying frickin thing its so cheeky n cute but annoying cos its not mine!
Look at it right made itself at home :shock:


Do cats usually just move their self in someones house?

this is fcuked up man lol
becks that cat is lovely and yet so cheeky for getting all comfy in your cat basket :rotfl: :rotfl:

What you going to do with it ?has your cat seen it yet ?
well the rspca just sed ignore it? how can i if i cant have my window open without it inviting itself in i dont think its been home

n my cat hardley ever comes in let alone sleep in her bed any lengths of time
i dunno wat raegan anns gonna think lol she might think she's been replaced :shock:

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